Wednesday, July 31, 2024

How much can I compromise on healthcare and still be happy?

 So, with recent discussion on Kamala Harris, let's ask the obvious question: how much can I compromise on healthcare and still be happy? Obviously, I don't NEED full single payer any more. i did moderate on that, but what's the bare minimum I'd be happy with?

Well, I'll say it's a public option. This public option should have some sort of automatic enrollment mechanism for the uninsired. It should be unconditional, although costs might scale with income. But like, free for the poor, reasonable costs for the middle class in accordance with income, lion's share of costs paid for by taxes on the rich. It should cover most healthcare that most people need. 

I mean, I reread Kamala's plan last night. She DID go further than I thought. She set up this public option and it seemed to be a 10 year phase in to single payer. I would say if it's politically necessary, or economically expedient (without compromising on quality as laid out above), that it's fine to just do the medicare extra approach of having it coexist with private insurance. I do think single payer is better, it's the ideal in my head, but dealing with compromises, I think that if people really wanna keep their crappy private plans, they should have the right to do so, if not doing so is essentially politically unfeasable. 

I'm perfectly okay with some variation of Harris care (circa 2020), or medicare extra, or maybe even a Bidenesque plan like he claimed to support in 2020, but never acted on. I just want results. i dont want changes around the edges. I dont want to just keep sticking with this horrible ACA framework that doesn't fix the problem. 

You know during COVID, if you were uninsired you could just go to a vaccination site and get a shot? Yeah, I just want that, but for all healthcare. I'm not gonna be picky about the form here, I'm trying to work with the dems here and not purity test into literal single payer. But yeah, just dont piss on my leg and tell me it's raining either. I do want quality and not garbage out of the dems here. 

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