Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rerating Kamala Harris

 So, I'm going to redo metric #1 for Kamala Harris given my current knowledge of her platform and past. 

Basic income support- 3/10

I mean, she supported the LIFT act in 2020 which was like a mini UBI. It was a tax credit conditional on work and earnings, but it kinda acted like a mini UBI in a way. Wouldnt be surprised if Biden's child tax credit was based on it. 

Medicare for all support- 8/10

Ok, so she doesn't support single payer but she supports the next best thing. An aggressive public option that achieves universal coverage, not unlike medicare for all.

Other economic issues- 9/10

I mean she ain't FULL student loan forgiveness, but on everything else, she's fairly based. 

Social issues- 6/10

Eh...not gonna lie, being reminded of her past as a prosecutor and AG in California make me not like her very much on that front. She was very harsh on criminals, including victimless ones, and often opposed stances like legalization of pot and prostitution that make me kinda cringe. She's also more pro gun control than I am. Still, other than that, she is a democrat, and I'd otherwise expect her to have the kinds of positions democrats often have on stuff like abortion, gay marriage, etc. 

Foreign policy- 10/10

So far she seems to be basically Biden but she's already snubbing Netanyahu a bit. So, she gets full credit.

Ideology/worldview- 13/20

I mean, she's in that same middle ground between centrism and leftism that Biden had tried to be in. She has a decent progressive record in the senate, especially on economic issues, having a voting record that is pretty close to Bernie Sanders. I think we have a lot of common ground on economic and foreign policy issues. On social issues, I'm a little cooler on her. I mean, here's the thing. I'm NOT an ACAB kind of guy. i can even respect her somewhat coming from a criminology background to some extent. Heck she actually reminds me of a former criminology professor of mine. I just think she's been a bit too harsh, even by that role's standards on criminals who commit certain victimless crimes. So all in all, she still gets a relatively good score given the lane she's in. But she does have flaws and we don't agree on everything. 

Dedication to progressive goals- 5/10

Here's the thing. How dedicated will she be to previous progressive stances? There's a lot about Harris that's kind of...iffy to me. She could go either way. She could be the most progressive president since Lyndon Johnson, even being more progressive than Joe Biden, or, she can end up being the most wishy washy centrist out there. She has a mixed record. She's done some bad things in her past (especially on social issues), but she's also been pretty progressive, and I actually think Joe being as progressive as he's been has not just been because of Bernie, but Harris in his administration. 

So idk. Idk how to read her, how to interpret her. She could go either way. And that's part of the reason a lot of us didn't trust her in 2020. She kinda has "hello fellow kids" type vibes as far as progressivism goes. Like, I called her a "fauxgressive" in 2020 for that reason. She could go the corporate way, or she could be the next best thing to bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang as we can get, and literally the best we could hope for in 2024. We don't know. So, I'm splitting the difference.

Experience/Competence- 9/10

If there's anyone beyond Joe Biden who I think can do the job, it's Harris. She's VP, she's ready to swoop in at any time and take over for Joe if he died or was incapacitated. She's been training for this. She's ready to go. I won't say she necessarily has as much wisdom or experience as Joe and is a little bit of an unknown element, hence why she gets a 9 and not a 10, but yeah, I trust her to do the job.

Isn't a spoiler- 10/10

This lady is now the only thing standing between us and a second Donald Trump presidency. She must be supported here. 

Overall- 73/100

Overall, she has the highest score of any viable candidate in this race. Biden was at 66 at his peak, and he got downgraded to 62-64ish due to age concerns and him just rolling over to netanyahu over palestine. Harris is more progressive so she gets a few extra points.

Jill Stein I think got a 55, Cornel west a 52. The thing is, these guys didn't really scratch an itch harris doesn't on economic policy, and they are woefully inexperienced and unqualified, especially with their crazy foreign policy positions. So yeah. There's no real argument for third party voting this time around on my end. On policy Harris scratches the same itch that they do, while not scratching the same itches that the third party guys don't. And where they do differ, I generally see the third party leftists as downgrades.

RFK I think had a 34. Seriously, he's not TERRIBLE, but I really don't see the point of that guy at all. he's just trump 2016 for people who want that vibe but who don't want Trump. 

Chase Oliver I gave like a 22. Compared to harris I would say I probably like Oliver a bit better on social issues as I lean libertarian and that was Harris's biggest weakness with me, but a LOT less on literally everything else. 

Trump. I gave like a 12 last time, and then knocked it down to a 9. If I had to evaluate Trump post convention, uh...just going over it in my head again, I'd give him a 6. Mainly because between his increasing age and questions of mental acuity, his convicted felon status, January 6th, and his first time looking like wheatley's tenure in charge of aperture science, uh....yeah, I'm revoking any points there. So maybe a couple points on economics if only for economic populism, maybe 1 point on social issues over guns and to a small extent immigration (WAY too hawkish but im a moderate on the issue so i aint totally against everything he does), 1 point on foreign policy, and yeah maybe a couple points on worldview, but yeah, like...a 6. Out of 100. 

Yeah. F that guy. 

So yeah. Harris for president by leaps and bounds. She's better than Biden in my eyes. She's actually the best nominee we could realistically end up with given the circumstances, and to be fair I like her at least as much as Dean Phillips all things considered. So yeah, upgrade over Biden. I'm totally coconut pilled on this one. Let's do this.

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