Thursday, July 25, 2024

A shower thought on condescending liberals

 So, I just had a shower thought about condescending liberals that I want to get out there.

As we know, democrats arent exactly known for their finesse. They seem out of touch. They seem like weirdo corporate boardroom people trying to figure out how to sell a product that nobody wants. And push comes to shove, they lord their perceived superiority over people and lecture them about how "this is how it's going to be" and how we need to fall in line and blah blah blah. And it...falls flat. 

Who in the right mind thinks this works? but after listening to some of these same voices supporting Harris, I'm finally starting to get it. It's because they REALLY ARE these weirdo corporate boardroom types who don't know how to talk to people. They treat voters like their employees. They're used to getting their way by talking down to them in a stern and condescending tone that "this is how it's gonna be and you better fall in line or you're not gonna have a job tomorrow." And people have to listen to them...because they they won't have a job tomorrow if they don't. And that's problematic...."because of the implication." 

So they're used to just getting their way by making veiled threats and pushing people around and don't know how to deal with people who they can't push around. And normally the people they can't push around end up sorting themselves out by leaving so they just feel like they remain in control of whatever environment they're in charge of and whatever. They never learn.

But elections are different. You need to actually appeal to people or you don't win. And the reason that I'm so stubborn is i recognize that for all of their threats and blathering me, they generally have little to no power over me. I do what I want. And if they wanna force me to do something, they can screw off. we are 2024, and we're in a unique situation. We need to get harris across the finish line to defeat Trump. Trump is a unique threat to democracy, and his movement is genuinely scary and insane. So we gotta join forces this time. But man, watching these people is just weird.

Like, the trumpers are trying to sow discontent among progressives by pointing out how undemocratic the process is of choosing Harris. And it IS undemocratic. Now, my approach to this is to point out the obvious. The logistics of running an all out primary at this stage are impossible to implement. And of the candidates on the table, Harris is actually one of the best ones. If anything, Biden endorsing Harris and the party coalescing around her is actually good for us because the centrists wanted to use the idea of an open convention to push a more corporate friendly centrist candidate. 

I try to convey this to my progressives. Then i visit the K hive parts of the internet with all of their scum and villainy, and these guys are like "tell them that these rules and that that's how it's gonna be". No, are an idiot? And then when I try to nicely nudge them and tell them this isnt effective, they literally get in an argument with me about it. Which goes nowhere because not only are their talking poitns terrible, they move me the other way. I ended the debate explaining that their approach is ineffective and if they want people susceptible to the "anti democratic" argument to actually listen to them, that they need to get out of my way.

Because these people are that idiotic.

I'm also seeing tons of corporate eggheads popping up on CNBC and CNN going on about how great Harris is gonna be for the stock market and how she'll be more pro corporate than Biden was and how Biden was terrible on that front. Uh...excuse me? That was the best thing about Biden and one thing that makes this harris pill easier to swallow is that she actually has a progressive history. As i said, idk how she'll actually govern. I feel like progressives are gonna wanna pull her one way, the corporate, centrist establishment is gonna wanna pull her the other, and yeah, where we end up, who knows. I'm guessing she'll be biden but a tad more progressive, but who knows. At this point, the goal is to just beat trump.

But yeah. It's like these idiots dont know how to talk to people. Because they really are just corporate ###holes who sit around board meetings trying to figure out how to sell something no one wants to buy, and squandering any actual organic energy that they have. And ugh. I hate this crap so much. I'd seriously consider a stein vote if the situation wasn't so dire, but even then, Harris is just a stronger candidate. So...whatever. I just hate these people though and I hate that now we're on the same side. Ugh.

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