Monday, July 29, 2024

Biden's SCOTUS reform is BASED!

 So, Biden just proposed SCOTUS reform. It involves a three part plan to push a constitutional amendment to end presidential immunity, 18 year term limits for SCOTUS judges scattered apart by 2 years, a code of conduct forcing SCOTUS justices to not engage in political activity and disclose gifts given from "donors."

The second part I especially like since I recall proposing such an idea years ago online and it's nice to see it get some traction. But yeah, all 3 of these proposals are amazing and sorely needed. Will they pass? Probably not. Do i give biden credit for trying? Hell yeah. Thats the thing. I like dems to try to do things and talk about things they wanna do even if they can't do them. Beats the Obama approach of "democracy is hard work" while sitting on your laurels doing nothing only to be like "uhh maybe UBI is a good idea" AFTER YOU'VE LEFT OFFICE! Like, seriously. I'd rather people try and fail, than never to try at all. And Biden is trying. I know some lefties give Biden crap for that, but again, those types can never be satisfied and are so far into cynicism that no amount of progress will dig them out of it. We could live in a star trek universe and these guys will still complain it ain't real communism or something. But yeah. Good on Biden to propose this. Support this 100%.

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