Sunday, July 14, 2024

No, the Trump assassination attempt didn't seal the deal for Trump

 Idk why people think this. They think that Trump almost being assassinated will make him win the election. It's the same thing as everything else. Trumpers cant vote harder than they already are unless they commit voter fraud. Dems aren't going to stop supporting their candidate because of Trump almost being assassinated. A few swing voters might be temporarily convinced and Trump's numbers might go up but with Biden imploding I think were already seeing trump's ceiling. I mean will some people support him harder now who were undecided? Maybe. Especially given our candidate looks like he belongs in a nursing home. But yeah I dont see this as this big "election winner" for Trump.

Some of the argument for this seems based on the idea that the shooter was presumed to be a liberal. Uh, while the shooter's motive is unknown and unclear, he was actually registered as a republican. He apparently did donate some money to actblue back in 2021, but 2022 and onward, rightoid. He died in some gun youtuber's shirt. He's a gun nut. The dude seemed to be a loner, he didnt have much presence on social media, and little is known about him. All I'll say is he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who was shooting him because of project 2025 or something. 

Could he have used to have been progressive? Sure. He was young. I notice young people in their teens and early 20s are far more likely to constantly switch ideologies and party affiliations. I see this happen on political compass subs a lot, you got these teens posting their political journies and they go from liberal to communist, to MAGA, to libertarian, and back to liberal all within a year. We don't know what this guy's views were. BUT, it seemed likely he was a right winger.

I think I heard something, dont quote me on this, idk how trustworthy this is, that he may have been super anti Epstein, and given Trump was recently found in some released Epstein documents as possibly raping kids on his pedo island, it's possible he shot him over that. That's the most likely explanation at this point in my opinion.

Why would the left be blamed for this. I mean, most of us are the ones who like rule of law and are ANTI political violence these days. Most of us are horrified by this and even if we hate trump, we dont support using violence against the guy. We want to deescalate tensions and political violence. We want to restore and protect norms that stop this crap from becoming commonplace. We're actually on a really dangerous path. Trump helped bring us here, but literal political violence is the last thing we want, it's what we're trying to prevent. Really, if you want decency in the white house, dont vote for the guy throwing the metaphorical bombs, vote for the guy who respects the rule of law and norms and the constitution. And that's all I'm gonna say there.

But yeah. I get why MAGA would try to blame the left for this. But yeah, this just seemed to be some lone wolf mental case with a gun who took a shot at the guy. He's not a liberal. He's not a leftist. To our knowledge. He's actually a right winger. Just an anti trump one for whatever reason. We don't really know. And if he left no trail because he was an off the grid lone wolf type, then, well, we might NEVER know the dude's motivations. Maybe he's the kind if weirdo who would normally suicide themself with a mass shooting but he decided to go after Trump in particular instead. I don't know. No one does. This is all speculation. 

Either way, no I don't think this will affect the election long term. It might have influenc a few swing voters, but whether it will have a long lasting impact is debatable. 

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