Sunday, July 21, 2024

You know, I'm actually getting sick of the media ripping on Biden at this point

Okay, so this is another anti Trump rant in a sense, but here's how I see it. We have two major candidates for president. Yes, third parties exist too, but Trump and Biden are the big two.

Both candidates are way too old to be elected again IMO.

Both are terrible orators in my opinion.

Trump rambles endlessly with weird word salads and has virtually no charisma these days. Biden LOOKS older and also tends to ramble and lose his train of thought sometimes. Both confuse names that they shouldn't confuse. 

Both are probably experiencing their respective versions of cognitive decline. It's been suspected for a while Trump has early Alzheimers. It's now suspected Biden has Parkinsons. We don't know either way. 

But only Biden is given crap for this. Biden gives a terrible debate performance, OMG, THIS IS TERRIBLE, HE MUST DROP OUT. Trump rambles, avoids questions, and sounds just as bad in his own way, meh, no one cares.

Biden gives a press conference and flubs some names, OMG, THIS IS TERRIBLE, HE MUST DROP OUT. Trump does it at his rallies, no one, except maybe David Pakman, cares. 

There are reports Biden has to go to bed early, OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE, HE MUST DROP OUT. Trump falls asleep at his own convention, meh, no one cares. 

How come the media only rips on Biden for being old, and senile, and low energy, and being a bad orator? Trump is LITERALLY NO BETTER IMO. if anything, he's WORSE. When Biden rambles, he's talking about policy. He clearly knows what he's talking about, he just expresses it badly. Trump has no idea what he's talking about, and just lies and lies and lies, but the worst he gets is "yeah some people fell asleep during his speech." 

I'm sick of this. Yes, Biden is old. Yes, maybe he's too old for the job. If I didn't fear the alternative to running Biden, I'd say he should drop out. But Trump is ALSO too old, has the same problems, and no one is asking him to drop out. And let's face it, he wouldn't do it anyway. 

I just feel like the media is being a bit unfair to Biden at this point. And it IS tanking us in the polls while Trump gets away with doing the same crap or worse, and I'm sick of it. I'm not the kind of person to just uncritically support someone. Even if I'm literally doing the weekend at bernies thing to get him across the finish line, I'm honest enough to admit my motivations. I get it, yes, Biden is old and he speaks badly. I'm just not convinced replacing him is this amazing idea. Not just for polling reasons, where the support for alternatives is mixed and polling is scattershot, but also because of the logistical issues of replacing him AOC mentioned in her own livestream. I can still be sold on the idea if the polling paints a decent picture (and I mean polling averages, not just one outlier poll people use to push a narrative). But honestly, I'm kinda sticking with Biden at this point. He's our guy, i dont see a solid reason to replace him at this point. Yes, we're probably gonna lose with him, we'll probably lose with everyone else too. As I said, the problems with the democrats go beyond him. They could give us corporate dem #6942 and they would maybe poll a point higher at best. Maybe even worse. As I said, we're screwed this election cycle. I still believe Biden is one of the best people for the job and replacing him is unwise. And I'm sticking with that until i see strong data to the contrary. And given the timeline that I would need for that data to come up, it would likely be too late anyway. We can only afford to wait another week, maybe two tops. Beyond that, we're locked in. That's how I see it.

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