Sunday, July 7, 2024

I mean Trump is a pedophile, but let's just keep focusing on the old guy who loses his train of thought...

 So yeah, apparently Jeffrey Epstein documents came out a few months ago basically confirming that yes, Donald Trump did go to Epstein's pedo island, and that he did indeed probably screw a minor. 

This is actually news to me. And I really have to ask, why isn't this more widely known about? This is a big deal. This should be a scandal that ends a presidential bid. But here we are with this dude winning with an 87% chance. Unbelieveable. I don't get this country any more. Yes yes, the old(er) guy sucks (let's face it Trump isn't much younger) but holy crap America. This dude literally screws children (allegedly). Why did you guys make him your nominee on the republican side again? And why is he so popular vs Joe Biden? For as much as Biden can't speak properly, Trump isn't a winner either. Yes, Biden lost his train of thought, but I still thought it was better than Trump's word salads. At least Biden made sense. And at least the dude has good character.

Wake up America, you're electing a convicted felon, alleged child rapist, who wants to be a dictator, and who has just been given presidential immunity that allows him, according to one dissenting supreme court justice, to assassinate his political rivals and be immune as long as doing so is an "official act." WTF is wrong with this country? Again, I know the other old guy kinda sucks, but he's just a "normal" kind of suck. This guy is basically the boogeyman from angst and at this point so much worse. Don't elect this guy again. Yes, we survived last time, but he did take a shot at subverting democracy, and we still shouldnt give him another chance. We're in 2016 any more. The danger is no longer just theoretical. WAKE UP! 

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