Wednesday, July 10, 2024

My honest thoughts about the Biden situation

 So, this is gonna be a less formal, more off the cuff "real talk" kind of post. Much of my discussion on this matter has surrounded the polling approach on the matter and what maximizes electability. But I didn't talk as much about my actual feelings on it. I mean, I have, but I do want to express some thoughts on the matter of Biden, his condition, and how screwed the dems are. So let's get to it. 

Is Biden experiencing mental decline?

I think he is. It's unclear the extent to it, but I know a lot of media I've been following like TYT, secular talk, etc, seem to be indicating that yes, he is. Yes, he's been experiencing it for a while, it's a well known about issue in the inner circle, but they've kinda been hiding it insofar as the public goes. We don't know the extent of it, but I do believe it's possible that this decline has been known about, that the democrats and Biden's inner circle know they're propping up somoene with dementia, and that they're lying about it. 

I know Parkinson's has been thrown around a lot recently. I'm not sure if that's it, but it's a possibility. If I had to guess, it's something like that or some other form of dementia or decline. I've been hearing he has to go to bed early and it's possible he's sundowning. I do think it's fair to say that. 

Can he win in this condition?

If he is in fact in decline, no. This issue isn't gonna blow over or go away, he'll keep screwing up and making things worse. He will never recover polling wise and this will be the issue of 2024.

Still, replacing him is risky. Polling of alternatives is lower than Biden. Without the age issue, I wouldnt even consider it on the table. We discussed this earlier this year and replacing Biden seemed to tank dem odds significantly. Of course, at this point it's evening out as far as Kamala harris goes, but others? Eh, still a risk. Should it be taken? Not sure. 

Do I want someone different?

It depends. Biden sucks, but ideologically, we could do far worse. He's at least tried to work with the Bernie camp. A lot of dems would be outright hostile to us. 

On the other hand, would I like someone more progressive? Sure. Can they win? I doubt it. As I said, 2024 isn't a good year for the left. The country, post COVID, is in a right wing mood. It's not just Biden, they're experiencing malaise full stop. Economically they're pissed over inflation, left wing ideas can't flourish in times of low unemployment and high inflation. The zeitgeist has been changed. We're not in 2016 or 2020 any more. 2024 is its own animal. So yeah. 

So what do we do?

I hate to say it as I hate the dem establishment with a passion, but they're the ones who are gonna have to do something. It's out of our hands. It's in theirs. They're the ones who are most familiar with Biden's condition and are the ones with leverage to force him out, or to keep them in. We're gonna have to trust them on this one to make the best decision.

As for us, support the party. Don't vote based on the nominee, vote based on the administration. If Biden is a mental case, he will still have people around him keeping the ship steady. I still trust Parkinson's Biden over Trump any day. And as far as the left goes, I understand the desire to vote for the left. I kinda wanna go Jill Stein myself at this point, but I feel like it's irresponsible given how dangerous Trump and the GOP have become. 

So that's that. We're in a state where we gotta stick with it and go with the flow. We're in highly unprecedented times and none of the normal rules of politics apply right now. This is going to be a crazy year, between Biden and dementiagate, and Trump and his court cases and felonies, we're in one of the wildest election years ever. It's not necessarily a good thing as both of these candidates are detestable, but we are at a crossroads where the stakes have never been higher in our lifetime. This could be a realigning election or the one right before. It reminds me of 1824, 1968, 1980, and 2016 all in one. 1824 was a chaotic crapfest like this one. 1968, the dems seem on the verge of imploding as people protest palestine and we might end up with some DNC appointed candidate last minute no one likes. 1980, we're basically reliving the carter years with inflation, democratic inefficacy, and an impending sense of doom and malaise surrounding the democrats. 2016, because the dems are arrogantly trying to bully and gaslight people into voting for an unpopular candidate no one likes. None of this inspires confidence. These are some of the biggest crapshow years for the democrats, minus 1824 which was a crapshow in general. 

And yeah. Go with the flow, and just vote dem. Dont even think about it. Better Biden's dementia ridden corpse or whatever stiff replacement we get from the DNC than Trump and his fascism. 

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