Saturday, July 13, 2024

The donors want Biden out and aren't screwing around...

 So now a huge pro Biden super PAC is threatening to withhold $90 million in funds from Biden in order to force him to drop out. They aren't screwing around. The donors want Biden gone, and they're playing hardball now. 

Honestly, I think it's messed up how much money runs politics, and especially the democratic party. It's why they never do anything overly progressive. These monied stakeholders donate massively to campaigns to ensure the status quo and kind of break our democracy in the process. These are the kinds of kingmakers who were pro Biden and anti Bernie in 2020, and now they're turning on Biden. Biden did shoot back at them trying to go all populist and lean into being pro union "Scranton Joe", but as we know, then Adam smith basically came out and pointed out what we all knew but had no solid proof of that the party conspired to force Bernie out, by putting Biden in. 

But now they're losing confidence in Biden...

Honestly, if Biden was a straight shooter on progressivism, I'd feel obligated to defend him here. But given this is about debate performance, idk how I feel. I mean, I'm myself mixed on Biden here. I do agree he's old, he might not be able to do the job any more, he's becoming a liability. but I'm not convinced replacing him would put us in a much better place. i feel like, no matter who we have in, we're screwed and it's not gonna make a huge difference.

For a while, I was full on "there is no one else", simply because I knew the electoral realities of pushing Biden out would put the dems in a worse electoral position. But Biden crapping the bed cognitively IS putting us in a position where now the once unthinkable is becoming thinkable. And now these big money people want him out. 

Honestly, it does make me think. Could they also have ulterior motives here? Are they trying to force out Biden for being too progressive? I mean, we already know the centrists have their own lincoln project alternative aimed at removing progressives from the Biden administration to put in more third way centrists. Maybe they dont like the party as progressive as it is and want him out based on that?

It's hard to say. Honestly, I do think the straightforward explanation is the most sensible though. That they think Biden is a liability and they want him gone. It seems like Pelosi kind of is going that way too. When asked about Biden's decision she's like "it's his decision to make and he should make it" or something, and then when told he made a decision she just repeated that, like the "right" decision was "it's time to go, Joe." 

So idk. I think there's some behind the scenes establishment screwery here, and it seems like Biden is kinda "going rogue" here. He's too stubborn and prideful to understand that he's becoming a liability to the party, and as such the party is trying to give him an out, but is slowly ramping up pressure to get him out. I suspect that if people are this serious they're gonna succeed somehow. If funding dries up, or the party puts on enough pressure, they might make it impossible for Biden to continue. Biden himself might have to adjust his strategy to stay in office. Imagine if Biden, being free of the donor class, goes full FDR in his second term just to spite them. That would be amazing to see. Like a redemption story after screwing Bernie.

Still, I doubt it's that. i do think Biden is a team player, he's just also a stubborn old man with Hillary Clinton syndrome butting heads with the establishment over his capabilities as president. As some said, it's like when an elderly family member needs to have their keys taken away because they're too old to continue to drive. That's where we're at. The family is gonna be gentle at first, but them ramp up pressure until things get nasty. The real question is, will Biden break or will he work out some deal with them to stay in power? Who knows, this entire election year is one massive unprecedented clusterfudge. Whatever you you think you know about politics, throw it out. None of the normal rules apply to ANY of this crap.

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