Monday, July 22, 2024

Discussing Bernie's lack of endorsement of Harris

 So it doesnt elude me that someone who refused to endorse Harris quickly is Bernie Sanders. Now, this kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. Bernie is someone who I respect highly, and given he was so loyal toward Biden, i figured he would also support Harris. But it seems like he's making her work for it. Part of it seems to be bitterness toward the media forcing Biden out, but the bigger thing is his commitment to progressive policy. Bernie did not run for president this year. He did not sign a pledge saying he had to endorse the president to play ball. And he's trying to push her to the left on policy.

You know, this is the one non endorsement I respect. Bernie cares about policy first and foremost. And we still dont know what a Harris platform actually looks like. Now, I've been speculating on what it might look like, pointing out her past record in the senate, as well as her 2020 run, but she hasn't committed to anything. Bernie is holding her feet to the fire. And I respect the hustle. I believe Harris will do the right thing. I believe she will be at least as progressive, if not more progressive. But it doesn't hurt for Bernie to push her to openly embrace progressive policies. This is what Bernie did to Biden and it was relatively effective. So, yeah, I can respect this, and I hope Bernie is successful. His word carries a lot of weight with progressive voters like myself. And she needs us to win. So yeah. 

To be fair, I'll probably support her regardless, but the possibility of her being more progressive than Biden actually excites me. I'm a simple guy. You do things that I like, and I wanna vote for you. And Kamala has a lot of energy right now. Bringing progressives into the fold with a bold vision will effectively lock us down. So brush off your LIFT act, and advocate for what you consider "medicare for all." We're watching. Don't let us down or enthusiasm will sag just like it did with the last guy. Fair warning. 

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