Tuesday, July 9, 2024

What I expect from Joe Biden

 So, people might think I'm all over the place. I'm still formally undecided on the question of replacing Joe Biden, but I'm also highly critical of Biden staying in the race. So what gives?

Well, that's the thing. I think Biden should be willing to CONSIDER stepping aside. I'm not going to say he should DEFINITELY step aside, as I said, we should gather data and make a decision in about 3 weeks. But we should be having conversations. The problem with Biden is he's being delusionally out of touch, he's burying his head in the sand. He's pretending that his electability problem isn't real. I'm not entirely sure whether Biden is mentally capable to be president or not. I'm also not sure if he has dementia. To me, it doesn't matter a ton. The administration is gonna run smoothly even if Biden is just a figurehead. He could be a vegetable and someone like Jill Biden or Kamala Harris could be making the decisions. I don't actually care a ton. My problem is his lack of electability. Biden has a 30% chance on a GOOD day, and he's currently down to 10% or so. I'm not kidding. He's down like 5.2-5.3% or so in PA now. He has a 9.7% chance. We're heading for defeat. If we have to replace him, we should. And what I want is for Biden to be a team player in this.

If Biden happens to be the best guy, even after running all the numbers and covering every angle, so be it. But if it's someone else, they should run instead. The problem with Biden is he's being too arrogant and prideful. He clearly has a problem. He won't admit it. He insists on acting like everything is fine. He even has this attitude that reminds me of that meme where the king is like "some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take", gee thanks. Not like he's gonna live long enough to live with the consequences of his actions if he's wrong. He's dropping a turd on the resolute desk named donald trump that we're gonna have to clean up while he brain continues to go bad and then he dies in a few years. It's everyone else who is gonna suffer for his decisions here, and that's my problem. He should put the interests of the party and the country ahead of his own aspirations and pride, and his refusal to do so is the problem. 

Biden doesn't have to make a decision right now. He just has to cooperate with his party to make the best decision for it, whether it's him remaining in office, or not. That's all I'm asking right now.

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