Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Discussing JD Vance, Trump's VP pick

So, Trump picked JD Vance as his VP pick. There's been a lot of talk about this, a lot of people on the left come out with seething hatred for the guy, but I'm gonna be a bit more dispassionate as my views don't always align with the hard left these days, and most of them hate him because they put social justice views first, and economics second. And I'm a little more economically populist and left wing. I don't agree with the right's perspective, but I've been finding their appeals to the white working class to be interesting, to say the least.

So, looking into his views, here's how I sum up JD Vance. Economically populist/moderate, socially far right, and foreign policy wise, he's an isolationist. Basically, he's pushing the same brand of politics as Trump himself. 

On economics, his views are somewhat refreshing for a right winger. He's somewhat pro union, somewhat pro minimum wage, but otherwise, same stuff the GOP always is. He's not a leftie, but he isnt a hardline orthodox right winger either.

On social issues he is though. He's pro life, but kinda has the same lane of politics with it Trump is trying to cultivate where he's simultaneously pro life, but also not really letting the crazy out with it. He kind of has an ambiguous position hard for the democrats to attack. He's super pro family and blames the "childless left" for the country's problems (as a childfree leftie, he can screw off on that one). And yeah. He's considered a "neoreactionary" and kind of leans hard into the alt right. Super anti immigration, just like Trump. Edit: and he might support project 2025, so, gross...

He's actually a former critic of Trump and has called Trump a fascist and the like before, but he's kinda backing off of that. And maybe given Trump's "near death experience", Trump picked him to show he's turning a new leaf. It seems to be a last minute pick. So maybe he's like, trying to shore up his actual ideology, while also trying to tone down the crazy and go with the guy who is more likely to check him if he gets out of line (hopefully he doesnt throw him to the wolves later on like he did to Mike Pence). 

On foreign policy, he's an isolationist and wants to just stop giving aid to Ukraine. I think this is dangerous, but again, it aligns with trump and MAGA. Trump is clearly thinking about his ideological legacy here and who can pass on the torch of his ideas either if he dies on office, or who the party will choose in 2028, and I think that all things considered, given the image Trump is trying to go with this election cycle, I think it's a good pick. 

It really helps define MAGA and its legacy and what it stands for, while shifting away from at least SOME of the most insane elements of maga. Ya know, the more openly fascist stuff. In other words, for Trump and the GOP, it's a good pick.

Which brings us to the final aspect of this. Electorally, this completely screws us. Vance is from Ohio, he's a white working class guy, he's called "the white working class whisperer", and uh....remember how in 2016 Bernie had those massive margins that would've given the dems this insane landslide victory? Where did those voters go? Well, they're MAGA now, and those are the guys Trump is activating and tapping into. And by choosing Vance, hes doubling down on that, and essentially trying to lock down the rust belt for the GOP.

Go back over my election predictions. Biden has ONE viable path to 270. Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. Where will this pick help shore up voters for Trump? Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. We're screwed. The way the GOP is angling today with being somewhat pro union and working class combined with this combined with Trump shifting away from some of the most dangerous stuff the right is pushing for, is really really bad for us on the left. I think we're gonna lose this one. And I think that Trump started the RNC off on the right foot. And I think we're screwed, quite frankly.

Oh well maybe democracy will survive after all at least...

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