Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The republican attacks on Kamala Harris are disgusting

 So, it seems like the republicans are in disarray over Kamala Harris's nomination for the democratic candidate over Joe Biden. It reminds me of watching a DBZ villain freaking out when goku shows up or transforms. They were so firm and confident before and now they're just losing it.

And republicans gonna republican. While the GOP itself is apparently encouraging its members to not attack Harris on the basis of race or gender....that seems to be the most of what they're doing (or freaking out over how she might pass progressive things that help people). 

First, "DEI" is a common attack. Now, I'm going to be honest, I just called her a "DEI candidate" last week, but to once again clarify, that was not intended to be racist in nature, coming from me at least. I was criticizing those who wanted to push Kamala Harris as the nominee without question on the basis of her being a black woman...and noting how Biden nominated her...because she's a black woman. if your big thing for the job is being a black woman, yes, you ARE, sadly, a "DEI hire". Sorry, not sorry. That's literally what the point of DEI is. To promote "diversity, equity, and inclusion", which is a fancy term for hiring people of certain identities to do the job.

Now, that said, is Harris the "DEI" pick in 2024 and is she being pushed simply because she's a black woman? No. She's a black woman who happens to be the best person for the job (and democrats seem to broadly agree on that) and her nomination is 100% merit based as far as I'm concerned. Calling someone DEI when you dont know the context or simply because they ARE black, or a woman, or anything else, IS racist. There are plenty of qualified black women to do jobs, and Harris is more than qualified for this position as per my analysis last night. So if you're still calling her a DEI hire at this point, that IS kinda racist. 

But it also gets uglier than that. Some people are calling her a childfree cat lady, like, you have to have kids in order to be a good president, and that's BS. If anything, from a pure hiring standpoint, I'd take the corporate career women (which harris fits the mold of) over the mom who took time out of the work force and isnt dedicated to the job. Not that I would pass up anyone because they are a parent, but let's face it, a big part of the so called "glass ceiling" is the fact that pregnancy and raising kids kinda takes women out of the work force while childless women (and men) happen to keep growing their skills and climbing the ladder. So....if anything, the childfree cat lady might be more able to do the high pressure high intensity jobs like being president requires, not that most people who are president are actively raising kids at their age anyway (Harris is 59), and Harris was a step mom apparently, so, yeah, that doesn't count? Apparently it doesn't, because conservatives are so misogynistic to think that a woman who isn't a baby factory isnt a real woman or something (although dont get into their views on trans issues where they'll double down on the "birth gender" thing). And ugh. Like, really, who...does this? Wtf is wrong with people? These weirdos with their traditional values are just...ugh.

And of course, people are framing her as some sort of slut who slept with people to get ahead or something. Why the sex shaming? Why the suggestive logos suggesting that she puts out and sleeps with people? Also, republicans, have you seen YOUR candidate lately? Civilly liable rapist, convicted of 34 felonies for paying off a porn star, had 5 kids from 3 wives and often cheated on one with the next one? Literally the only reason Melania is probably with him at all still is for the money. There's no love in that relationship. It's obvious from a mile away. She's fricking miserable. Probably the only reason she won't leave is financial dependence.

And then they wanna crap on OUR candidate for being SLUTTY?! What?! Yeah, there is a massive double standard there. Ya know "great key vs crappy lock" kind of mentality. Trump is an alpha male for being that desireable apparently but Harris is "damaged goods". Very obvious sexism there. 

Stay classy, GOP. 

EDIT: And I didn't even get to the whole "she never had any kids because she had a scarred uterus from having too many abortions" argument. I mean, what the actual fudge? These people are deranged.

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