Monday, July 8, 2024

Is the push to replace biden a "psyop" to weaken the democratic party?

 So, blue maga is at it again. They're now starting to push this narrative that the push to replace Biden is a psy op by right wingers/bernie supporters to weaken the democratic party and cause disunity within it. 

....and here we go again...

Okay, so look. Blue maga, or blueanon, whatever you wanna call them, are pathologically obsessed with party unity. They're the blue no matter who types, and they seem to treat ANY dissent within the party as inherently bad. They want everyone united, everyone on the same page, if you have any dislike of Biden, you need to STFU, he's the nominee, deal with it, blah blah blah. 

I hate those frickers, honestly. They are so cultish, so condescending, and honestly, I dont think a culture of suppressing dissent and censorship should be encouraged in the democratic party. I just don't. I think we should be more like the GOP, or at least the pre Trump GOP, where we have our disagreements in the open, fight it out, have slug fests, and then we end up unifying behind who wins. Im not saying the GOP was ever perfect as a former Ron Paul fan, but they're better than what the dems do. They at least seem willing to have these fights and I think their party is actually stronger for it. The dems are weak in a sense because they suppress dissent to the point the dissenters feel no choice but to leave to make their voices heard. Dem culture is toxic. It's like that toxic employer who constantly yells at you for not being enough of a team player and dedicating your life to your job. That's literally the energy they have. I hate it.

Which brings us to my point. Honestly, if this WAS a psy op, this never would've seen the light of day. The dems try their darndest to suppress internal challenges to their power. Heck, we DID have all of these discussions earlier this year, but then Biden did well on the SOTU so I guess he can speak after all. Which means the questions surrounding his cognitive ability got suppressed, and I went along with them since I figured replacing Biden would put us in a worse position, not better.

But then debate gate happened. And it was CORPORATE MEDIA who made these discussions known. It was the panels on CNN and MSNBC. I watched the performance, noticed he sounded a bit hoarse and made some flubs, but I still watched the debate and concluded Biden won. But, the media said differently. They were more fixated on Biden's stuttering and losing his train of thought than on Trump's word salads and rampant lying. 

And polling subsequently dipped hard. And I ain't doing an election update today, I don't wanna do one every day, but I did plug new data into my model and now we're down to a 9.7% chance for Biden. YIKES. Before the debate, he was at 28%. 

And you know, a lot of people have been in denial about the dems losing for a while. They'll say oh the polls don't matter, oh, lichtman's 13 keys, no, minnesota, virginia, and maine arent swing states, you know how much we have to be down in order for that to happen? (Only 4-6 points relative to 2020...which we are....). And yeah, these guys have been sticking their head in the sand. Because they dont know how to cope when they don't control the narrative. So they just delude themselves and act like everything is fine and Biden is totally up and will totally win and uh....sorry guys, that's just what the numbers say. Biden is losing. He's been losing. And this debate is making the bottom fall out to a point that I could justify replacing him. 

And let me be clear, I'm largely leaving my ideology out of it. If I were being ideological, I'd push for Bernie (despite being older than Biden), or Yang, or Williamson, or Phillips, or Turner. But I'm not. It really IS about electability and Biden's bad odds for me. And I understand the field of acceptable candidates is narrow. And you know what? Of that field, the ones I like the most arent actually the winners. I'd be going with Harris or Newsom on policy alone. I wouldnt be calling for like Whitmer or Buttigieg because I like them policy wise. Quite frankly, they're downgrades from Biden. But it really IS about the numbers for me at this point. 

The fact is, the dems cultivate this political theater portraying the party as more unified than it actually is, and then when an avenue for dissent appears, people dissent. And this debate is kind of one of those random moments sparking a lot of underlying dissent coming out of the woodwork where now stuff that was hidden and people were saying behind closed doors is becoming public. 

And honestly, for the health of the party, we need to let the process happen. The dems have this attitude that they can just control the outcomes and foist candidates on us and bully and gaslight us into voting for them and IT DOES NOT WORK! And the more that the calls to replace Biden surface, the louder they get in claiming we're creating disunity. NEWS FLASH, THE DISUNITY WAS ALWAYS THERE, YOU JUST SUPPRESSED IT AND CAN'T DO SO ANY MORE!

Seriously, the dems need to get this crap out of their system for the good of the party and the country. Suppressing dissent is authoritarian, and it's unhealthy. And you know what? We actually go into elections MORE disunified because of it. Take it from the dude who voted green in 2016 and 2020. It was YOU GUYS that did that. If we had a more fair and open process not designed just to manufacture consent and bully people into line, maybe I would've been more inclined to go blue those elections. 

So yeah, my opinion? Let the process happen. Don't suppress it. And btw, Im not even sure replacing biden is good and i do think theres the risk of a lot of infighting if it happens. But honestly, i dont think infighting is bad as long as we can get it out of our system and move forward after it stronger than before. 

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