Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Responding directly to JD Vance's "childless cat lady" comments on Harris

 So yeah, JD Vance is making the news for calling Harris a "childless cat lady" who "wants too force their misery on the rest of the country" a few years ago. And being childfree myself, I took that personally and wanna respond to it. 

The fact is, which side of the aisle really wants to push their views on people? I mean, SJWs can be obnoxiously pushy, but for the most part, it's the right. I mean, I'm childfree. I know how it goes for the childfree ladies. They're often told "oh having kids is so wonderful, you'll regret not doing so" and in reality....the parents are the ones who are miserable. Kids are a lot of work. And it's not all glamorous. It's sleepless nights, and cleaning up messes, and your body changing from pregnancy because that crap wrecks peoples' bodies. And a lot of women regret it. Men do too. Heck, I knew by the age of 12 i NEVER wanted kids. Nothing was appealing about it. 

Now, I recognize that we live in a pluralistic society. And people think differently. My parents genuinely loved kids. My mom wanted a ton of them but sadly she only ended up with me because she struggled to have them. Mustve been all those scars from abortions she had /s (really, these rightoids are deranged). And that's okay (having kids and loving them). It's a socially useful function that continues the species. I live on the impression that some people will want to live a certain way, some will want to live in other ways, and the total outcome is going to be fine. Some will have tons of kids, others will have none, and in net, we'll have a reasonable amount of them as a society. Some people wanna get married, some people don't, whatever. I'm for FREEDOM. As are most childfree people.

But conservatives, aren't. On the issue, they live by God's command in genesis: "be fruitful and multiply". They see people getting married and having kids as inherently positive. And they have a specific life script people should follow about how to live their lives. Go to school until 18. People get married, have kids, guy gets a job, woman takes care of kids. It's simple to them, and they glorify it. That is their ONE MODEL for how life should work, any anyone who deviates from it is bad and sinful.

And they really believe that last part. They see the left as waging a war on traditionalism...simply by daring to exist and supporting alternative ways of living. Heck, they see the alternative ways as sinful and an affront to god, and want to ban such behavior. No, really. That's what the modern republican party is about. And it's why they wanna ban abortion, gay marriage, and even crap like porn, contraception, and no fault divorce. They want EVERYONE to live their way. And see everyone else as sinful.

And if anyone is miserable, it's them. Misery likes company. And there's a real concept of resentment politics on the right. Because they see the life script simply as THE way to live. And they might have regrets themselves. They might regret having kids. And while they keep the social appearance of "oh well kids are so wonderful and blah blah blah", their internal mind is basically Till Lindemann's Praise Abort. "I hate my life....and I hate you..." And yeah. They actually do hate others for living differently. The thing is, these conservatives hate people who don't subject themselves to the same things that make them miserable that they do, and they resent people. They resent the childfree cat ladies, and the DINKs (double income no kids) for having no responsibilities, and actually being happy with their lives. And because they're miserable, and because they see the correct way of living as being THEIR way, they want to drag everyone else down into the same misery that they have. Because it "isnt fair" to them and their suffering if everyone else around them isn't suffering the same amount that they are.

It's literally the same thing that happens with work and resentment politics. Because let's face it, work is part of this christian life script of theirs too. We were punished for original sin and now have to work for sustenance. Men have to work for a living, and women have painful childbirth. It's not that childbirth was an unfortunate consequence of evolution, or that work is an unfortunate consequence of our natural selection driven world we live in. No, they have to explain why the world is like that and why it's not perfect because God is. And they literally put the blame on people. And in doing so, they create this is ought thing in which not only does misery exist, it's justified by this sin concept.

And they have this idea that people are at war with themselves. Like we're all sinful, so of course, we're gonna be lazy and not wanna work, and not wanna have kids. But, God's plan for us is to work and have kids. And humans need to be forced to do "the right thing" "for their own good." 

And that sums up the modern conservative traditionalist mindset. They force this traditionalist way of living on people, they're miserable with it, but they think that that's simply the way life is, and that that's the way it has to be, and people need to be forced into it. 

So no, it's not the childfree cat ladies who are miserable with our lives. It's THE RIGHT with their conservative BS. The left is, generally, crazed SJWs aside, just the side of being live and let live. We support pluralism and freedom and people doing what they want, recognizing that some will choose to live some ways, and some will choose to live others, and the public good will be served reasonably well enough with this arrangement.

THe right literally believes everyone should be forced to live in one specific way. And they want to force everyone into this. And to quote (hopefully) the next president of the United States, WE WILL NOT GO BACK!

And let me explain the phrase. The right literally wants to go back to the 1950s. Everything was great until the 1960s with this sexual revolution, and secularism, and even the civil rights movement basically changed society from what it once was, and they wanna go back. The childless cat ladies dont wanna go back to being breeding stock like in the fricking 1950s. Black people don't wanna live up their civil rights. Gay people don't wanna go back into the closet. Nonchristians dont wanna go back to being a Christian nation. And quite frankly, if we ever evolve past this nonsense protestant work ethic crap to humanist capitalism, I wouldnt wanna go back to that religiously inspired nonsense either. 

THe reason the childless cat ladies hate the right and are so bitter is BECAUSE YOU GUYS (the right) WANT TO FORCE YOUR WAY OF LIFE ON US, AND WE ARE TELLING YOU TO KINDLY SCREW OFF! We don't care (minus a few crazed SJWs) what YOU GUYS do with your life. You wanna be religious, go for it. You wanna live in a traditional nuclear family, go for it. It's kinda the default option. Vivek Ramaswamy was acting like "if you wanna be counter cultural be conservative on a college campus". Uh, I WAS. And I was a straight A student in the social sciences regardless. Why? Because i was willing to learn, and not just be stubbornly ignorant. Youre respected as long as you defend your views. The problem is, most don't. 

But anyway (to sound like Joe Biden), yeah. Any resentment we have toward you guys is because YOU GUYS WANNA FORCE YOUR WAY OF LIFE ON US. This is why we call you christofascist and make those memes about how you wanna turn us into the fricking Handmaid's Tale. Because you do. You even have a fricking 900 page document detailing how you wanna do this. 

As such, yeah, JD Vance can go screw himself. As can any religious authoritarian who wants to shove their crap down our throats. You can live as you want. I don't care. I'm not an SJW who wants to force crap on you either. But, you try to force your BS on us and yes, maybe we get kinda bitter and resentful about that. Just a thought. 

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