Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Drunking on Vance for his weirdo childfree comments again

 So, JD weird. The republican party is weird. And now the left is weaponizing that weirdness, by calling it weird. But Vance, he takes the weird to another level. He's weird even by their standards of weird. And he seems to have this pathological hatred of the childfree. He's made comments before about childless cat ladies. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, this guy is batcrap insane.

I mean, it's one thing to have this stereotype of the childfree person with a stick up their butt who is obsessed with career and money making, not that that's great, and I took offense to that last time, but as I said, maybe the reason we come off like that is we don't like the so called "breeders" (to use the CF term) trying to shove THEIR crap down our throats. Ya know? You guys have this attitude problem where you make US have an attitude problem, TOWARD YOU. 

But then he has weird ideas like that childless people don't have an investment in the future and should get extra votes for all of their kids. Which is just WTF. We have an investment in society, and our investment is equal to anyone else's, sorry, not sorry. If anything conservatives have this weird idea they invest in the future and thats why they're into hard work and growth and blah blah blah, and if anything, nah, you're just tilting at windmills with that stuff. Meanwhile you guys dont even think climate change is real and a lot of you guys have this "oh well, I'll be dead by the time it affects us" mentality. 

Oh, and then Vance thinks that childfree people don't have empathy, as if empathy only starts when you have kids. Now, I AM a bit less empathetic and more self interested in most, but as a leftie, that's NORMALLY the right wing stuff. The right has this entire philosophy based on greed is good and that the public good is served by people being sociopathically self interested. They also have this idea that suffering builds character and instead of wanting to reduce suffering, they don't seem concerned with it. If anything they see suffering as due to a moral failing due to not conforming to their nonsense religiously based ethical system.

So don't get me started. i do understand that I do tend to be a bit of a selfish butt compared to many people, but I still tend to care more about alleviating suffering and making life better than most. I admit, i do so from the understanding that it makes my own life better, but that's actually...IMO the proper way to have empathy. To look at what benefits us, to use the sociological imagination to understand how our interests intersect with systems, and then advocate for systemic change to achieve the proper result. It's enlightened self interest. it works. And it bridges the gap between the right's selfishness and individualism and the collective interest. And at least I'm HONEST about myself. I don't have this sociopathic right wing ideology that greed is good and then hide behind christian charity and morality to justify having empathy. And I don't believe we need kids to have empathy.

If anything, as a childfree person who tend to be kind of as stubborn as Vance but in the opposite way, and who has my own opinions on this, let me explain to people what happens when one has kids. Yes, their brain changes. but they become more irrational. I've seen intelligent people's sanity go out the window when they have kids. They become "mombies" or whatever the male equivalent is. Their entire life revolves around kids. Their brain rewires itself to be fiercely protective of their kids, and politically it's like their brain takes a massive crap on them. And this weird mama bear mentality is how we get weirdo "think of the children" type stuff where people become authoritarians who wanna control other people, because they want to control society in certain ways in the protection of their kids. Which often involves censoring everything from pokemon cards to harry potter to porn (a huge reason the right is anti porn and pro porn regulation comes under the guise of "protecting the kids"). I mean, think of every boomer panic we've had from the 90s to the 2000s. The satanic panic, harry potter, violence in video games, pokemon, it was all from these boomer parents who wanted to protect their kids growing up. They wanted the world to stop and revolve around them, at the expense of everyone else. I tend to mock such attitudes, I admit it. I understand it, but yeah, i tend to consider myself an intellectual who is pro freedom and not interested in regulating the lives of others. you wanna protect your kids from stuff you dont like, have at it, as far as porn goes, PARENTAL CONTROLS WORK! But don't limit that stuff with me or everyone else. 

So yeah. Just because vance is some weird parent with weird protective instincts that turn him into a weird authoritarian, doesnt mean the rest of us should have to kow tow to his weird preferences. because that crap is IRRATIONAL. And Im sick and tired of having to listen to weirdo authoritarians who wanna take away freedoms from everyone else because the world has to stop on its axis because THEY HAVE KIDS. 

Just my views as a childfree person. I understand if I run for vice president some day these comments will come back to bite me, but in my defense, as long as you arent forcing anything on me, i dont care. People wanna have kids, cool. I dont have anything against anyone just because they're a parent. I have something against people who want to put others down or force crap on everyone else because they're a parent. my big issue with JD Vance and his ilk is they are weirdo authoritarians who cant just keep crap to themselves, no, everyone has to be made to live the way they want them to. And they can screw off for all I care.

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