Monday, July 8, 2024

Explaining when invoking DEI is racist and when it's not

 So, Harris supporters DO NOT like her being called a "DEI candidate". And they're accusing anyone who does it of being racist. They would have a point, if Harris wasn't chosen EXPLICITLY because she was a black woman, but given she was, it's fair game. 

Still, that's not to say DEI isn't overused or kind of a slur at times. Take the Baltimore mayor example. You have a black mayor from a majority black city and some tanker crashes into a bridge, and people were invoking DEI in order to criticize him. Basically in THIS case, you're basically saying "if he were white this wouldn't have happened." THAT. IS. RACIST. It's not good to accuse just ANY black person in a position of power to be a "DEI" candidate unless there's actual proof. 

With Harris, we got the receipts. Biden himself called her a DEI hire. I mean, you can't be any clearer. And the big push for her in 2024 to replace Biden seems to be about the hierarchy, and about her race, explicitly. The logic is, she's next in line, she should be the one to skipping over a black woman is itself racist or something.

But then the left will be like "oh no, you're pointing out that we're pushing this woman based in large part on her identity." And that kind of incenses me. The left loves to push identity politics but then if someone pushes back, they'll just claim you're racist for pointing out what they're doing, even if you're catching them red handed. It's ridiculous, i HATE this gaslighting from SJW types. I really do. 

But yeah. That kind of makes the difference. Calling random black person in power a DEI hire = bad. Calling a black person who was explicitly and overtly chosen on the basis of their race or other identity a DEI hire = it gets a pass. That's how I see it at least. 

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