Monday, July 8, 2024

Joe Biden is delusional

 So, Biden sent a letter to congress doubling down on refusing to drop out and citing how he won the primary and can absolutely defeat Trump. I won't quote it, I'm still on mobile retreating to my room due to the heat wave hitting the east coast, but yeah, I read it, and have thoughts on it.

I hate this stupid "but I won the primary" mentality dems have. Like "oh THE VOTERS decided!" Meanwhile the dems actively discouraged big names from challenging Biden, suppressed and treated opponents like Marianne Williamson and Dean Phillips like crap (and Phillips explicitly ran on being too old). They moved south carolina to first place to avoid any credible challenge in iowa and new hampshire while playing the "diversity" card (south carolina is full of old conservative black voters who love Biden for whatever reason), and honestly, on top of it all, only a small slice of the electorate actually showed up. How do you get a candidate 2/3 of the country doesnt want to run while getting 87% in the primaries? Ensure only those who consider themselves loyal democrats and are in that other third vote in the primaries. 

The fact is, the primaries are a farce, and this year, they were even more of a farce than they should have been. I admit, Biden won, and he did win fair and square, the left didn't even have a coherent challenge and most supported "ceasefire now" or "free palestine" over the actual candidate in question. And centrists actively sabotaged and ignored dean phillips for daring to challenge Biden, even using that toxic "youre not a team player" rhetoric I was telling you about, and yeah. He won. But still, the dems did their darndest to ensure Biden wasnt challenged. 

As for being able to win. Bro, idk what you're listening to in your inner circle, but polls have you at a 9.7% chance of victory by  my model. You can't win. You're approaching McCain 2008 levels of screwed here. 

Some dems are shooting back and saying that Biden's committed delegates arent actually committed and the dems can do whatever they want with them, but I'm not sure thats the solution either. Yes, the primaries are a farce but publicly going against Biden is full on mask off and exposes that the dems are this oligarchical organization that can do whatever they want. And I'm not sure thats a good thing either. And its possible voters who liked biden would be pissed and would refuse to vote for the replacement nominee. 

Anyway, from there, Biden goes on about how he has this progressive agenda, and dude, I get it. You have been a relatively decent president. Not amazing, but more progressive than I thought. But it's not about the agenda, it's about the person. Kamala Harris would be just as if not more progressive. Gavin Newsom would be too. Dean Phillips would be too. Gretchen Whitmer and Pete Buttigieg, who have the best shot to my knowledge, although data is sparce, might be worse. It doesnt matter right now. What matters is beating Trump.

Some people think if we replace Biden it opens up a can of worms in which the party becomes divided and people dont unite behind the nominee, and it could happen. It's one of the risks I'm weighing against keeping him in. Any replacement could alienate part of Biden's coalition. But again, if you have Biden having a 9-10% shot...well...that might be a risk worth taking. Idk. Thats why I keep saying we should spend the next 3 weeks or so gathering more data and make a decision going into august. 

Idk, this guy just seems really out of touch though. DANGEROUSLY out of touch. We can't afford to screw up this time. Donald Trump is ACTUALLY too dangerous, and this ACTUALLY is the most important of our lives. I know people keep saying that every election, this time, it's true. We need the best shot of winning. We can save policy squabbles for another election cycle. Just get the dems across the finish line. 

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