Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dear "free palestine" whackjobs, you look like January 6thers, stop it

 So, Bibi the war criminal finally gave his speech at US congress. I'm not gonna discuss that so much because much like Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and anyone with a brain, I'd prefer not to dignify Netanyahu himself. I think boycotting him is fine and I'll pass on listening to his speech.

But, I did see some pictures of the corresponding free palestine protests, and I was kinda horrified by what I've seen. The last time I've seen protests at the capitol. It was on Janaury 6th 2021. I remember angry trumpers storming it, having gallows outside that said hang Mike Pence, and yeah, it wasnt pretty.

Today, I saw pics of graffiti all over monuments, an effigy on fire, and an angry mob outside of and even inside of the capitol. Just seeing it kinda gave me January 6th PTSD vibes. Not gonna lie. 

Do you not realize you're turning normies off? Really. You are. You psycho from the outside. You make people wanna vote for Trump. Not gonna lie. 

I'm not saying all protest is bad. I respected harris, for example, for refusing to attend. Says enough about it to me. Heck, I even saw Rashida Tlaib quietly sitting in congress with a sign that called Bibi a war criminal. Now THAT is how you protest. You remain quiet and respectful, and you get your point across. Not sure why the left thinks literally being obnoxious jackbutts is the way to do things. It just alienates people. Hard. 

Anyway, that's all I wanna spend dignifying this topic.

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