Sunday, July 21, 2024

The democrats just made a massive mistake

 So, the rumors ended up being true. It is officially Joever

As you guys know, I've been edging, as the data came in, toward continuing to support Joe. Honestly, I still thought Joe was the best candidate. he offered the most stability, and had the best chance of winning. And thinking about Harris, harris at her peak just barely edges out Joe at his worst. And Harris is, to my knowledge, the best alternative to Joe we have. 

As such, we're screwed. We threw away our best candidate over an age issue that the other candidate also shares. Way to go. 

Anyway, Biden endorses Harris, and Harris is probably the person I'd go with. She current polls best, slightly edging out Biden, although it's not a straight and universal win. She seems to do slightly better in the rust belt, while doing far worse in the sun belt. Can she win? Well, her chances are about as good as Biden's right now, and I'm afraid that might be her ceiling. 

Of course, alternatives poll even worse. Newsom came up in national polling averages, but the older swing state data was And I honestly don't think he can win either.

Whitmer? The public data says no, internal polls the DNC has say yes. We dont know enough on the state level yet. The fact is, we have so little data on any of these candidates.

And now names are being floated like Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, Mark Kelly, and I know almost nothing on them polling wise.

Anyway, let's ask this: who do I want on policy? Bernie! Andrew Yang! Nina Turner! Wait, no? They can't win and probably arent in the running? Of course not. Ok, so of the DNC approved alternatives, who would I choose?

Well...I'd come back to Harris. She's actually more progressive than Biden and pioneered this weird middle lane of the party between centrists and progressives in the 2020 primaries. If we're forced with someone the dems force on us, Harris is the most progressive and receptive to my ideas and ideology. 

Gavin Newsom is too, but he can't win IMO. 

Gretchen Whitmer is my third option. I know I lambasted her as a centrist previously, eh...after looking at some actual centrists, Whitmer has fire and some progressive ideas. Even receptive to M4A on a federal level. So...yeah. She's a possibility. 

Beyond that, I'm going to say no. I actually have researched many of the other alternatives floated around. I was even gonna do a lengthy purity test based on metric 1 on these guys, but it got repetitive and I stopped it. But Harris, Newsom, and Whitmer get my policy based endorsement. I'd prefer NOT to get a boring centrist centrist. I want someone as progressive as Biden, not a literal "moderate." 

Harris of the three is the most electable at this time, so I'm tentatively endorsing Harris too. 

This is subject to change as the data develops. 

Either way, I wish we would've stuck with Biden, and think he was the best choice. Ive actually kinda grown to despise this intra party civil war. It's been wild. Imagine the progressives and the most biden pilled blue maga people being on the same side as other progressives and other establishment moderates wanted a change in candidate. Totally bizarre to watch. 

And honestly, I do think we might've thrown away any chance we had to win just now.

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