Friday, July 19, 2024

Really, why do people like listening to Trump these days?

 So, I can't help but feel like, after 4 days of the RNC, that Donald Trump's charisma and speaking abilities are overrated AF. Biden gets tons of crap for every little stutter, and every little screw up he makes when speaking these days, and I get it. He looks old, he sounds old, he's just old.

But so is Trump. And honestly, between the debate, and the RNC acceptance speech, and other snippets I've heard from it, I don't get why he has any appeal at all. Trump is BORING. He rambles on for long periods of time. He doesn't say anything substantive. It's like verbal diarrhea. He lies. Like, you cant trust a word that he says. And he's just boring.

After watching last night's speech, I'm so over the Biden criticisms. I mean, sure, Biden's old, confuses words, loses his train of thought, but at least the dude as a coherent thought in his head. He rambled too at his NATO speech at times, it's like both sides are at this point proving they have the stamina to talk for long periods of time, but at least Biden spits FACTS and is worth listening to. Trump just...isn't. I mean, even people at the RNC were falling asleep during his speech. And having listened to people talk for 4 days at the RNC, I have to say Trump's speech was one of the worst of the convention. It was long, it was rambly, it was barely coherent. I kept zoning out during it. I'm counting the minutes waiting for him to finish. I'm going on more and more as we hit 60, 70, 80, 90 minutes OH GOD WHEN IS THIS GONNA END? HE JUST WON'T STOP! 

I don't get it. People LOVE this guy and hang on to every word, why? What do people see in him these days? I get that in 2016 he was more of a firebrand and Clinton sucked, but still, he just verbal diarrheaed then too. 

Honestly, looking at Trump in 2024, I don't find anything compelling about him, or his presidency, or his ideas, and very little about even the appearance of his ideas. Normally he APPEARS cogent and with it, or did in previous cycles, nowadays he just....isn't? He does nothing for me. His lies are obvious, his pitch is obvious, and nothing about him appeals to me. 

I went into the RNC thinking we were screwed. The first night had some of the best speeches of the convention. Especially the union guy. They had some populist energy, and while I cant agree with their vision for the country, I at least thought their attacks would be effective against democrats among independent voters. But as they shifted to christian nationalism, and xenophobia, and other stuff it just ended up coming off as hollow. Part of it might be that I just fundamentally disagree with their vision for the country. I do. i don't agree with much that was said at the convention at all. But it just seemed to devolve as it went on. By day 4 is was all weird crazy crap like fricking Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock, who at least energized the crowd even if their performances were ridiculous and over the top. Then I listen to Trump and it was so boring. Seriously, it was just the most boring speech of the convention that I listened to. he just doesn't have it any more. And honestly, it seems online reactions afterwards were mixed and varied widely. Conservatives were spinning it as if it were all about proving he had stamina that Joe Biden didn't, but then the moderates kinda were lukewarm to it, and the left has the same reaction as me just about. 

I just don't get it. Like objectively, it was a bad speech. Even if I put aside things like differences in ideology and all, there were far more capable people in terms of articulating a conservative vision than Trump. 

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this convention gets the republicans virtually no polling bump. They could even lose voters over this. I didn't walk away from the GOP convention feeling energized, even by proxy. I walked away from it feeling bored, overstimulated in a negative autistic way (ie, burnout, meltdown style energy), and feeling like the dems should be able to blow these people away.

I mean, yes, Biden sucks in terms of his charisma and appearance these days, but I'd easily choose Biden over Trump here. Biden talks about doing things, and they're things we can do, he just needs congress to do them. Sure he stumbles his words, and loses his train of thought, but he's competent at the job and mildly progressive. He sounds relatively good vs Trump.

I mean, really, am I really that alone on this? That I think Trump sounds even worse than Biden? He does, objectively to me. Whatever crap Biden gets for his oratory skills, Trump should get all of the same criticisms and worse. He offers nothing to me, or to the country. Just my thoughts on it.

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