Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The 2024 GOP platform actually ain't that bad (by their standards)

 Okay, so remember how I called Trump in 2016, the "moderate" republican? Yeah, with all the fear mongering about project 2025 from the left and trying to paint THAT crap as their platform, the actual approved GOP platform is actually relatively moderate. It laid off the crazy, having no mention of banning abortions and refusing to raise the social security age, it embraced populism, reframing some conservative ideas like tax cuts in ways that seem to benefit working class people on paper at least, and it's actually pretty smart politicking from the GOP.

If Trump wasn't such a nutcase, and he didnt have a party full of religious psychos behind him, I'd be inclined to believe that the GOP was changing for the better. Not that conservative politics would ever be my cup of tea, or that I'd fall for those appeals. I mean, it's liberal or progressive all the way for me, but given where we're at, Trump's platform almost seems....sane. They stayed away from all the crazy crap they've been doing as far as abortion goes, focusing purely on "America first" and deporting people (the craziest thing in it is deporting pro hamas/palestine protesters), they're trying to be the party of "I feel your pain" with inflation on economics, and yeah, this is, admittedly, Trump and the GOP at its best.

If anything, the conservative Christians are PISSED and feel betrayed, as their stated goals are all but abandoned. Trump kinda realizes his biggest liability in this race is those guys and their psycho ideas (he denounced project 2025 too), and is distancing himself from as much crazy as he can to be elected. THis is good politiking by the GOP and bad news for democrats, as dems are trying to lean into project 2025 and the crazy abortion crap to keep people voting blue.

Now, should we take the bait? No. Trump still has a record of playing footsie with those people. He gave them the SCOTUS super majority that overturned Roe. Even if he avoids abortion federally, on the state level people will still push crazy things. He might lie (as if he's never done that before...) and embrace project 2025 anyway. He could be playing the moderate game now and will appease the radicals post election. And let's not forget, Janaury 6th happened, and that should be disqualifying for any presidential candidate. Trump IS still a threat. Dont forget it. He just comes off as more moderate in the platform. It's framing. It's good politics. He's politicking and he's politicking very well here. If he actually lived up to his hype, he'd be the best GOP president in my book since Nixon. But we all know that it is all populism, that he is kind of embracing the radicals behind the scenes, and he is dangerous. 

I mean for the record, Hitler kinda did this playbook in the 30s as well. Leaned into job creation, infrastructure projects, building military stuff, dealing with inflation, even universal healthcare. I mean, fascists do this stuff and it's how they get popular. They really do know how to hide their extremist side until they get into power and then the "long knives" come out if you catch my drift. Don't buy it, america. You were fooled once by this guy, don't get fooled again. I know dementia joe ain't great, but he ain't gonna go all fascist on us. 

So yeah, my analysis, seems nice on paper, very good politiking on trump's part, but dont trust him. He and his party are just as insane as theyve always been and should be treated as such until proven otherwise. This is just a front. I wish I could believe it, he would be the best republican president in the modern era if this were true as it would represent a shift to the center for the GOP, but keep in mind, we had this guy in office once, and he was a psycho who fronted the radical agenda of the radicals in his party. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. 

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