Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reacting to Christian outrage from the Olympics opening ceremonies

 So, I dont watch the olympics. i find sports boring, and the olympics doubly so. But, the olympics did kind of have a moment this year that caught my attention, and it (along with other things) also caught the attention of some fundie Christians. 

First, Gojira, heavy metal band, performed some old revolutionary era French national anthem at the place where Marie Antoinette was sentenced to death. And it caught my attention because I'm a metal head who loves metal performances, especially if they involve a lot of pyro. And let's face it, this might have been the most glorious thing I've seen that isn't done by Rammstein themselves. I won't post it since it seems to be getting copyright claimed to death, but it was amazing. They opened up with a beheaded Marie Antoinette singing the words of the song only for the camera to pan out to having a beheaded marie antoinette in almost every window of the building. And then the pyro set loose, Gojira were performing on platforms hanging off of this castle like building, a big ship with a woman singer on it passed through the area with fire going every which direction. As I said, i thought it was amazing.

Christians thought it was demonic though. I kinda get why, beheaded corpses, fire, heavy metal, they're still stuck in 1990s satanic panic. Not to mention the original song had artwork involving escorting the beheaded monarchs of France to hell. Still, the song, despite the weird context for us Americans, is a big part of french culture, kind of like our national anthem, which is actually about some battle down in maryland during the war of 1812. Yeah we tend to make our anthems about wars and violence and upheavals. But yeah, not satanic, just french culture. if anything about it made me uncomfortable, it was the fact that it glorifies political violence. But hey, what's done is done with that, and post french revolution, france went in a different direction and eventually became a democracy. 

Anyway, the second thing christians are freaking out on involved "drag queens at the last supper." Except, it wasnt the last supper, but supposed to be some pantheon of ancient greek/roman gods, and you know how...flamboyant those guys were. And yeah. Christians kinda missing how their culture actually stole from Greek and Roman culture yet again. Also, the dude with his balls hanging out, yeah, I watched a Kyle video on that and apparently the dude was having a wardrobe malfunction or something. it wasn't intentional. Of course, christians have to find outrage in everything (well at the fundies) so obviously it was part of the LGBTQ+ agenda to force gayness onto kids or something. /s

No, you're just once again acting like you're the center of the universe and reading your culture into everything else. Apparently it was pagan. It just looked vaguely christian because fundie christians are ignorant of their own history. And yeah. Much like the Gojira thing, there were legit cultural aspects of this stuff.

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