Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump shot at rally

 So, as most of you have probably heard by now, Trump got shot. Now, he's okay. He got hit in the ear, but it doesn't appear to be lethal or life threatening. I would have commented on it earlier, but I got MASSIVE executive dysfunction today, and I just cant find the motivation to write ANYTHING worth a darn. But this is a "historic event" and I want to give some reaction, so here I am.

Obviously, I condemn the violence. Even for a figure as detestable as Trump, violence is not the way. In civil society, we have rules, and laws, and procedures. And I know Trump has been trying to subvert that stuff, but political violence begets political violence, and just makes the situation worse. You revert to this crap, you revert to the law of the jungle, and you end up with hobbes' state of nature. 

Some people are even fearing this might turn Trump into a martyr and hand the election to him on a silver platter. Im not sure about it, but I could see a polling bump. We'll see. 

Trump himself defiantly put his fist in the air after being shot in a photo op for the ages. I have to admit, it was kind of bad###. Second most bad### thing a US president ever did after being shot, only surpassed by Teddy Roosevelt continuing to speak for an hour with a bullet in his chest. And of course, the trumpers are already selling merch. 

Some blue maga idiots are saying its staged. Amazing how those guys normally come off as the "adults in the room" but are going full  blue anon recently between attacks on biden being a psy op and this being "staged", no, you idiots, its real. The shooter is dead. Someone else is dead. Real people died. Stop sounding like Alex Jones.

We dont know the motives of the shooter yet but I wouldnt be surprised if he was blueanon himself. We'll find that out as days go on.

And yeah, that's all youre getting out of me today. I'll keep watching the news and keeping up on it but I wont be writing more until this executive dysfunction passes. 

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