Friday, July 12, 2024

Explaining my reaction to the republican platform a bit more

 So, Ive seen Vaush discuss the republican platform and how terrible and insane it is, and I figured I should clarify my own coverage of it. Uh...I know that the GOP is full of crap. I know that the planks in the platform are simplistic and not able to actually be implemented. I know the GOP is dangerous. I just thought it was relatively good politicking.

I mean, conservatives are good at messaging. Their platforms are terrible but they push oversimplified versions of ideas in ways to make them seem appealing to people who are relatively uneducated. Like END INFLATION. How? He doesnt have answers. But it's an issue that people are concerned about and it shows an acknowledgement of a problem. This is what caused him to win in 2016. BRING BACK JOBS, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! How? He didnt really do much of anything. actually was something that appealed to people and that's why he won.

I also noted that I liked it because it laid off the obvious political liabilities the GOP typically has. With democrats screaming over abortion and project 2025, that stuff is conspicuously absent from the platform. They downplayed it to make it less of a liability. Now, does that make the GOP any less scary on those issues? No. BUT, what it DOES do is make them do this gaslighting thing of "what crazy positions on abortion? What's this project 2025 stuff? You're crazy, we arent for that stuff". 

And again, not saying they're telling the truth, but it works. 

I was pretty obvious I knew the GOP was lying, holding back their craziness, and that they're dangerous. I made hitler reference for this reason. But, i do think the platform is good politicking, and it does, at the surface level at least, make the GOP seem more moderate and less unhinged. The least popular ideas of the party are ignored or even refuted (for example, the dont touch social security and medicare stuff, because candidates like nikki haley and chris christie were TOTALLY having discussions about that).  

This is why, in 2016, I believed Trump to be the moderate of the GOP, and the LEAST dangerous republican. Because Trump WAS a moderate, and he DIDNT believe in the craziest elements of the GOP. power, sure, he did advance those guy's interests A LOT.

Again, as I said, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Don't fall for this guy's crap again. He's more psycho and dangerous this time than anything. But he APPEARS sane. And again, the marketing thing is what really matter. Again, voters vote based on vibes and appearances, and republicans are significantly better on vibes and populism than the dems are. Do they lose their luster in office as they have to actually govern and own their crap? Sure. But they know how to appeal to the average voter when dems are in charge and no one is happy with the direction they've taken either. And that's where we're at, and that's why they'll likely win. 

I dont actually like the republicans or their platform. Quite frankly, Im too smart to vote for them as I know that their ideas arent actually good for the country. But, millions of others arent, and I could see me, in another life, or even this life if this life went differently, voting for this guy. Say I never went to college and i had a high school education? I'd likely be all in on MAGA. I'm just too much of an educated politics wonk to buy into his vapid appeals. But I do retain enough normie instinct to "get" them.

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