Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Discussing the security failures with Trump's assassination attempt we probably know by now, the assassination attempt on Trump was a massive security failure. Something got screwed up somewhere. It is such a failure that some think it's intentional. Now, I'm going to go all hanlon's razor on this one: don't attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. I don't buy conspiracy theories that this was an inside job. I think it was just a failure caused by a coverage gap between the different agencies involved.

So, the building, it was like 150 yards from Trump with a clear line of sight. Apparently, it was supposed to be locked down, but it wasn't the secret service's job. There was that "it had a sloped roof" type comment which was attempted to explain why they didn't have security ON the roof, but I don't seem to buy that and that seemed to just be an excuse. 

The reality of the matter is that it wasn't the secret service's jurisdiction. The police were supposed to cover that building, but they didn't. Apparently they didn't put anyone on the roof for safety concerns and secured it from the inside. Crooks climbed up from the outside. 

Apparently police confronted Crooks moments before the shooting, but Crooks pointed his rifle at them and they GTFOed. Honestly, that's where Id say the failure was. The police were supposed to control that building, they had a clear security failure, they confronted crooks, but when they saw he had a gun they bailed, it wasnt radioed in for some reason, and then he shot.

Apparently he was spotted by snipers before hand, and they attempted to radio it in, but didn't shoot, hoping someone else would deal with it. Now, to be fair, this makes sense. The sniper isnt gonna shoot and risk disrupting the rally preemptively. I mean, they would cause a panic just by doing so. So when Crooks started shooting, that's when the shot was taken.

Honestly, it does sound like there were communication failures somewhere. It also sounds like the local police didn't do their job properly. I know the director of the secret service is being blamed, but I honestly am not sure I would blame her. Still, someone didn't do their job. And I am curious how the investigation into this will turn out.

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