Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dear Biden sycophants, Biden is not popular, deal with it

 So, today I woke up, checked reddit, and came across some post from some really obnoxious blue MAGA type who was like JOE BIDEN IS THE NOMINEE, HE'S NOT DROPPING OUT, THAT'S REALITY, DEAL WITH IT! And it gave me PTSD flashbacks to 2016 and Hillary voters acting like this constantly. Dems have some idea that they can just obnoxiously and condescendingly get in peoples' faces and scream at them like an abusive employer and have it be an effective voting strategy. It's not. I told the guy that if this were 2016 this crap would make me wanna vote green, and that doing this in 2024, since I do want the dems to win, is our funeral. Because let's face it, this strategy doesn't work. Getting in peoples' faces and "telling them how it is" and expecting them to go along with you might work in your toxic corporate environments where a boss is in charge and everyone else collects a paycheck from them and has to do what the guy says, but for situations like this, no, people can walk. And this condescension and elitism in the democratic is a problem, and it's been a problem.

Ya wanna know how an independent would respond to this? "Trump it is then, how do you like that, snowflake?" We cant exactly afford to lose voters and these guys are showing the same toxicity they did in 2016, which caused them to lose then. Again, only reason im tolerating this crap this time is democracy is on the line. And because if Biden loses, we all go down with the ship. And last I looked, the "reality" of the situation is Biden has a 13% chance to win the white house. Tried to show the guy my election prediction, but he condescending relied he doesn't click links from randoms. Whatever. Fricking moron. Lose the hard way but don't be surprised when the country pays big time for it. 

I hate these people, I really do. Well, let them freak out and face reality on election day. I remember 2016 was quite a shock for them, and 2024 will be to. The bigger they are (ego wise), the harder they fall. 

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