Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Dems admit to rigging primaries, nothing to see here...

 So....2016 and 2020...a lot of shady crap went down. Now, if you ask a lot of democratic sycophants, they'll deny this and try to gaslight you. They'll say that you're stupid for thinking that and conspiratorial, and ask you for proof, and when you cant provide proof, because it's not something that is often admitted openly, and it's not like there's something we can point to, they'll get you in a gotcha of "you see, you stupid progressive? THE VOTERS didn't want bernie, and your candidate sucked and was unpopular." And by that point I just block them because, there's no arguing with those kinds of people. 

Well, this time, we got receipts, and the mask slipped due to all of this Joe Biden stuff going on. Basically, TYT covered this one. I admit, TYT has been kind of 50/50 on their coverage of the Biden controversy lately, they have been making good points about how the white house seems to be covering up the extent of Biden's feebleness, and trying to make him look more capable than he is, but Cenk has been kind of overly bullish on replacing him. Biden very well might lose, I'm just not convinced replacing him is any better, I'm going with the hard evidence on that one. BUT...TYT has just provided me hard evidence of the whole 2020 being rigged.

We always talk about so called "bloody monday", ie, the day before super tuesday when the party coalesced to get most dem establishment candidates out of the race, and then everyone came together around Joe Biden. If you point out the existence of bloody monday, you'll get a bunch of dem apologists JAQing off and gaslighting you much in the manner above. But, in the above segment on TYT, a congressman admitted to it being a thing. Basically Biden, is going around acting like he's against the elites because the elites want him out, and this congress guy was like "dude, the elites put you there, remember how the elites got everyone to drop out and endorse you?" And yeah, that happened.

Basically, as TYT pointed out, Bernie was, by Nevada, considered the presumptive dem nominee. But then the party coalesced after Biden won south carolina by going on about how conservative black voters loved him, and then everyone in the establishment got behind Biden. It happened.

That's also, btw, why dems wanted South Carolina to go first. They knew it would be a landslide for Biden, and they wanted the primary to be over before it started. If New Hampshire or Iowa went first, someone like RFK or Dean Phillips or Marianne Williamson (I won't say Cenk, because let's face it, he wasnt eligible regardless of what he says) might have had a break through moment, and then Biden might have had a real primary on his hands. So the dems quashed it, and are now realizing they MAY have made a mistake. 

Now, I don't think that replacing Biden is a good idea at this point. We're stuck with him, polling indicates he's still the best horse to bet on, replacing him may not be a wise idea. BUT, I do think the discussion should be had, and dislike the dems trying to suppress discussion. But I digress.

Back to the Bernie thing....NEVER FORGET WHAT THEY TOOK FROM US. We could've had Bernie for our nominee. And he still would've won 2020. I'm not sure if we'd be in a better position with Bernie than we are with Biden given Bernie's advanced age and congress being the lowest common denominator of anything getting done, but still, it's the principle of the thing. The dems DID rig it, never forget.

Quite frankly, if things werent so dire in 2024, I'd be in the same position as Ana Kasperian in that video. I'd be fricking done with these people. BUT...right now, the GOP can't win or democracy might fall, and it's not like we're in any position to push for anything better this election cycle anyway. We do have to settle for Biden, for better or for worse. 

But 2028 hopefully, things will be better, and hopefully progressives will be in a better position to push for things. Let's hope. If the alternative wasn't so scary, I'd take pleasure in the dems falling apart this election cycle as their own dirty tricks did bring them do this, but right now it's like....NO, THE GOP CAN'T WIN UNDER THESE CIRCUMSTANCES, this could be THE realigning year with the 7th party system being led by trump and fascists and weak dems who never win elections. Beat the big evil (GOP) first, then focus on the other guys. Still, the anger toward the dems is real, and if they lose, they brought us to this point. Either way let's get through this cycle so we can actually have a proper primary fight in 2028.

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