Thursday, July 11, 2024

My opinions on Biden's "big boy" press conference

 My real time reaction (NSFW)

Ok, so maybe not THAT bad, but yeah, let's just say, this didn't inspire confidence.

He started strong. He started off on the right note. But then he started making certain verbal flubs. Called Zelinsky "Putin" (again), called Harris "vice president Trump", and seems clear what he meant and that he was operating all right upstairs, but these were significant flubs that are already being memed about on the internet. 

His answers got longer, I ended up tuning out, I felt like I was listening to an Abe Simpson monologue. Like he kept going on and on about stuff. 

Toward the end polling was discussed, and these are the kinds of hard questions I have the receipts on. We got 1) the polls are inaccurate these days and don't mean anything, 2) the polls say he's ahead, and 3) when pressed on whether he's get out and support Kamala if she polled better basically the conference was ended in a rush before could Biden could say anything...


I won't say it's the worst case scenario, but it definitely wasn't the best. And on the polling stuff I started screaming DROP OUT JOE, YOU ONLY HAVE A 10% CHANCE, and yeah. Ugh. 

Honestly, again, wasn't the worst case scenario it could have been, but this did very little to inspire confidence at all in his ability to lead. He needed to be strong and decisive here. He had to exude youth and vitality. And he didn't. He confused names, he went on long meandering ramblings, and the press conference left a lot to be desired, to put it lightly. 

It just didn't do what it needed to do. Did it make the situation worse? Eh...maybe? Depends whether people hone in on the "vice president trump" kinds of F ups. Which they will. We are so screwed....

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