Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Reacting briefly to Biden's speech

 So Biden gave his speech today explaining him declining the candidacy and explaining his reasoning. He kept it simple. It wasn't really the most amazing speech in the world. If anything it kind of confirmed it was the right decision to me, as it felt boring, he slurred his words, and it didn't land. 

Basically, he framed it as a defense of democracy. That IS the best way to put it. Stepping aside because he can't win, and passing it off to the next generation (even though Harris is only 20 years younger). And yeah, Trump is a literal threat, so him doing it for the sake of defending the country is the best approach. 

Do I agree with such a decision? Well, polling wise, I think it was and is unclear. Harris historically polls worse than Biden, although she's been stepping up her game and I would now say we've reached an inflection point where maybe we can win this...if we stick to the rust belt and the 270-268 strategy. She has slightly better odds than Biden. Will this get better? Maybe, hopefully. As I've said, I've felt energy in the democratic party we havent had in over a decade now. Harris is younger, more progressive, and she might be able to pull it off. Her pulling out is radically changing the dynamics of the race for better and while the polling implications are yet to be seen, it looks like this gamble is paying off. 

As such, I would say, much like everyone else, thank you for your service and your sacrifice, Mr. President. Even if Biden polled better for the most part, the lack of energy was gonna ensure that the dynamics of the race would never change. Last week I was panicking watching the RNC, especially at first. They started off with energy but it dwindled down to the point that by thursday night, any sense of luster wore off as Trump went on a weird 90 minute rambling speech that literally put people to sleep. 

Harris IS shaking things up, and while I don't know how it will turn out for her, or us, there is a sense of optimism, energy and passion that we didn't have, while suddenly, the GOP is freaking out. So...this could be the best thing for us. We'll see. 

Anyway, I dont have else to say other than that. As I said, it was a boring speech. And if anything just the energetic shift listening to Biden and then to harris, it's a world of difference. So let's see where this goes.

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