Monday, August 19, 2024

For the love of God, Kamala Harris is not a communist!

 So, republicans seem obsessed with painting Harris as a communist. Sometimes they post communist imagery with Harris in it to paint her that way. One news outlet was talking about "Kamunism", and I'm seeing questions all over the internet painting Harris as a communist.

She's not. She's more moderate than I am. Most of her economic policies so are are just bog standard liberals fixes around the edges, and even the accusation that she wants to give people government run healthcare, GOOD. I WISH SHE DID. Are countries like Canada or the UK communist? Of course not. And that's the thing. The problem with Harris and the democrats isnt that they're too far left. It's that America is so obsessed with being anti communist its literally extremist in the other direction. It leans into laissez faire capitalism to such an extent that it just comes off as deranged. WE are the extremists. Because our faith in capitalism is so extreme that we deem any compromises as communism. And honestly? I wish harris would just stop trying to be like "NO IM NOT" and leaning into making peoples' lives better. EMBRACE universal healthcare. Say that she will make peoples' lives better. Stop trying to play this right wing game. It's not the fricking cold war any more. This crap aint scary any more. And unless youre gonna full on embrace like actual communism, come on the frick on. Not even "democratic socialists" like Bernie Sanders or the greens embrace full communism. Only the tankies are that extreme. 

Honestly? Capitalism is the best system, but only by default. its the least bad system. It's great at generating wealth, it's terrible at distributing it. It needs to be regulated and compensated for with government programs to actually function optimally for the people. And keep in mind, do I frame my own policies as socialist? No, I call myself a human centered capitalist. Because that's what it is. Capitaliism but with a secular humanist bend. It just decides that gee, sometimes the market goes too far, it has to be changed to achieve human ends. I'm not calling for workers to own the means of production or for the government to run the entire economy directly. I still believe in a mostly market economy. I'm just a fricking fundamentalist about it.

And Kamala harris? She's more moderate than me. Her policies are incremental than mine are. The problem is, the right calls literally anything that isnt free market fundamentalism as "communism." But free market fundamentalism doesnt work for people. It subverts humanity to its whims, enslaving them, and making them serve it. Shouldnt the economy work for us? If the economy doesnt work for us, what's the point of having an economy? Again, as far as i'm concerned. The right is for literal wage slavery and subversion to the human spirit to an inhuman system fixated on infnite growth for its own sake. A system that produces more than enough for everyone, but then artifically keeps people poor to force them to work. 

And democrats? They cede WAY too much ground to the right on these issues. Like, an INSANE amount of ground. To the point that they wont even solve the problems but then push mediocre band aids that kinda sorta take some of the pain away, but dont actually solve problems. And that, btw, is why im disappointed in Harris and her agenda if anything. It doesnt go far enough! It doesnt solve the problems. It tries to be "pragmatic" and work within the "political realities" that the right controls and dominates. The left needs to take control of the narrative. it needs to own its crap, and say yeah im making your life better, what are you against good things and for bad things? Unapologetically.

If anything disappoints me about harris, its that she shies away from her own past positions trying to bend over backwards trying to prove she isn't a communist. She isn't a communist! And she never was one. Not even bernie sanders is a communist in my eyes. A borderline socialist, yes, but not a communist. 

Most americans dont even know what communism is. Because of reagan, they think it's when government does things. Anything. Again, because they're fricking free market fundamentalists arguing everything that isn't as extreme as they are is communism. 

Again, the left needs to take control of the narrative here. Not let the right define it. Paint them as extreme. Paint them as weird. paint them as the psychotic ideologues that they are. Be bold. Be aggressive. Dont compromise your vision. We need a new left wing "morning in america" where we throw off the shackles of american conservatism and its psychotic extremism once and for all and turn the page. This is what I've been arguing for on its blog since its inception. We need a party realignment where the left says, we're here, we're good things and against bad things, get used to it! Harris is doing this on social issues but I wish she'd do more on economics. 

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