Monday, August 19, 2024

The DNC reminds me why democrats just don't get it, and why I am so alienated by them

 So...I only plan on having one big post on most of the DNC, but I did cover the labor idiots on day one of the RNC, so I might as well do the same here. Because MAN, I find this convention cringe. 

I mean, it's the economics. These peoples' ideas of economics are so incoherent and lack a real exegesis of capitalism. They are just obsessed with jobs and jobism. They spent much of today bashing Trump because he ended his presidency with fewer jobs than it started with, ignoring the obvious of 2020.

And honestly? unpopular opinion? But GOOD! I mean, we closed much of our economy involuntary, we did it in the name of preserving human life but still, COVID was kind of a grounds for experimentation for the kinds of ideas that I like. Like abolishing work. Getting rid of nonessential work. Spending more time at home and with family, being FREE! from work. I mean, I'm going to be honest, i LOVED the COVID era in some ways. it was the one year where sitting at home and doing nothing was socially acceptable. That we could do it without feeling guilty. Sure it sucks for those who wanted to work, but to be blunt, normal times are just as involuntary and just as unpleasant for many of us introverts who dont even LIKE to work. We should structure life more where we can enjoy life's simple pleasures more. I view work, as an evil to be abolished, and COVID kind of demonstrated, that we could abolish a metric crapton of it if we wanted to. Maybe we wouldn't be able to enjoy as many services, but that's a tradeoff im willing to take. Why should I be forced to work, why should everyone be forced to work, and have their basic needs held above their head, to provide luxuries for entitled middle class jerks? Sorry, not sorry. 

And yeah, now everything is going on about how many jobs Biden created and jobs jobs jobs arent jobs wonderful? isnt work wonderful? Yay work. "Opportunity!" It sickens me. Americans, no, the world, are/is brainwashed. We're like slaves who don't recognize they're slaves, and trade pride in being slaves. And acting like "oh Kamala gets it because HARD WORK", give me a fricking break. This stuff seems so fake to me. Either that or people are brainwashed. Keep in mind my personal "work" story. Work sucks, work is slavery, screw work, why would anyone wanna spend their life doing this? I mean, I feel like I'm one of the only ones who is honest about the true nature of work. Work SUCKS! We should want to abolish work. The only justification for the world being this way is if it HAS to be this way. And it DOESNT have to be this way. We MAKE it this way. And then force everyone to conform to it. 

Even the fricking labor people just take way too much pride in their work. I mean, sure, it's better than being screwed by rich people. but honestly, we should seek a world without work. We should seek to automate away as much work as possible, stop "creating jobs" and start redistributing income. If people want to work, that's fine. I believe in voluntaryism. I just resent being forced to work within someone else's system. 

It's a lot like what Karl Widerquist was talking about with the Big Casino. The big casino sucks, but then you get these philosopher type people who come in and then tell us that we were justified in opposing the big casino under conservative principles, but now we have the big casino operating under more liberal or leftist principles. And therefore, we have no reason to complain, and we should be grateful. Republicans want us to be grateful just to have a job, an "opportunity" to not be poor. Democrats want us to be grateful that work doesnt suck as much as it could under republican principles, and that we can at least get paid decently after being forced to spend all of our time working. And let's face it, leftists are just as bad as liberals, hence why I'm not keen on them either. They just think that capitalism is the problem and if only we had socialism, it would be better. but socialism just begets another brand of work worship. We should understand that what is bad, is work itself. I mean, sure, we can argue that some brands of economic philosophy are more or less oppressive than others, but none of these guys want actual liberation from work itself. They just argue within a spectrum of who makes the decisions, and who gets the money. But none of them argue against work. They just assume its a fact of life, see it as a positive thing, and I'm sorry, but F WORK! IT SUCKS. LETS STOP GLORIFYING THIS CRAP.

Ugh. I'm going to be honest, my enthusiasm for Harris and the DNC is through the floor right now. As far as I'm concerned, my vote for Harris is more a vote against trump, than a vote for harris. And honestly, no third party really offers a compelling alternative either. Sure, Stein might be better on some things in theory, but she's also no better in other ways. It's just another work centric vision for society that we would be forced into. 

What I want more than anything is economic liberation. A society that is actually not coercive, and doesn't force people into working. We need to stop romanticizing work, and jobs, and being workers. I mean people take PRIDE in this crap. And I'm just like, poor you, youre oppressed. 

I mean, am I REALLY alone with this? I feel so alone. I feel like this entire DNC is just propaganda. And I just cant buy into it. I know the dems were never gonna give me everything I want. but even compared to bernie, they're a regression. I just checked the official democratic party platform, and even a public option for healthcare is OUT. They sold out on healthcare. Harris is now to the right of Biden in 2020 on healthcare. My #2 economic issue. I just fundamentally dont sympathize with this platform on economics. It sucks. I'm sorry, it does. 

Really. My vote this time around, is really about stopping Donald Trump. I don't really like Harris. If anything, she's the same fauxgressive type that I feared in 2020. And now crap that was discussed in 2020 isnt even discussed. They killed it. The dems killed it. This is a shift to the right. You will work to live, and you will LIKE it, is the message I get. Sure, at least you're given a better deal than the republicans, but you're still slaves. Just better treated ones. I can't get passionate about this.

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