Sunday, August 11, 2024

Reacting to Asmongold react to a video about how "if everyone is hiring, why can nobody get a job?"

 So, yeah, this should be like required watching for everyone. It genuinely sickens me. Crap was like this 10-15 years ago too when I left college. It's only gotten worse since then. Really, this is the kind of crap that radicalized me into the position I'm in. Because it kind of killed the whole process of getting a job to me. Why do we require people to jump through so many hoops so they can do labor for rich people in exchange for barely enough to meet their basic needs, if that even? It's SICKENING. 

But yeah just to go through it:

61% of entry level jobs require 3+ years of experience

Yeah I noticed this too, and it's fricking insane. You need experience to get a job, but you also need a job to get experience. How is that supposed to work? It's crazy.

75% of new jobs require a degree while only 40% of potential applicants have one

And it's not even jobs that should require a college degree. It's just...anything. Again, it's insane that we structure society this way. You're expected to jump through all of these hoops for employers and prove that you're the best most loyal works and you need to apply to hundreds of jobs which takes an insane amount of time to apply to just to get any offer at all. 

The whole automated hiring process

Yeah I like computers making things more efficient, but this just makes it efficient FOR EMPLOYERS. it actually makes it harder FOR THE REST OF US. Because now we gotta jump through hoops only to have our applications automatically rejected because we didn't meet their insane hiring requirements. There's no compromise. They can hold out for that super special candidate who is everything that they want, and you NEED a job NOW and are pressured to keep applying. 

And, as the video says, at this point, a lot of jobs openings are ghost openings. They're not even trying to hire anyone right then and there. They are just trying to acquire resumes so when they DO need to hire, they have a huge pool of applicants to draw from.

This also serves to, as the video points out, scare people who are currently in the job and remind them they can be replaced at any moment. Like, really the digitalization of the process just makes it HARROWING for individuals who need a job. It makes it easy AF for employers. Just collect resumes and hire the perfect fit who eventually statistically pops up, with everyone else being stuck in limbo somewhere and unable to find a job. If you have no experience, F you. if you have no degree, F you. If you DO have a degree, F you because you literally need it just to get some really super basic job these days while your actual career aspirations go unmet because there arent that many jobs out there in what you wanna do, and you think you're the best and most qualified for that? Think again. 

Seriously. This entire society is INSANE to me. The fact that we literally have to jump through this many hoops just to acquire money to LIVE is crazy. And the fact that so many people are just okay with it and support the system is insane. ANd the fact that we dont make this our #1 political issue is ALSO insane. THIS SHOULD BE ON EVERYONE'S RADAR. Even if people eventually find SOMETHING, after months of searching, then you got a job, it doesnt pay well, they basically own your life, you're treated like crap, and constantly reminded that you can be replaced at any moment to keep you in line. This is INSANE. No one on the labor side has bargaining power any more.

And btw, the whole "worker shortage" thing. There was never a genuine worker shortage. The problem was employers couldnt find that perfect person any more, but instead of lowering their standards they just screamed about government money making people lazy and how they can't find good help, they could hire anyone off the street if they wanted to. They just wouldnt because they wouldnt be the model employee. 

Really, this entire thing sickens me. THis is why i turned to the views I have today. Because I understand the only way to give workers actual power in this system is to give them the freedom to say no. To not NEED a job. To make businesses sweat where they have to actually work with employees. As long as employees can just collect resumes all day, never really hire people, and only pick the top of the batch when they need to, then, we're just gonna be slaves. This system didnt even work well in the analog era. There are entire books dedicated to the subject, such as "poverty amid plenty, an American Paradox." IT'S A NUMBERS GAME! It always was, and it always will be. And much like casinos, the house always wins and the game is rigged. Except we're all forced to play. It's a big casino. Almost's a big casino...

This system is not made for us. if anything, we are bred for it. We are bred to be human livestock that power this system. We are slaves. And our entire lives are designed to mold us into being the perfect obedient worker who quietly just puts up with all of this crap, and never questions it. 

Which is why every election, no one seems to give a crap about any of this. They just care about fricking stupid crap like social justice nonsense, or gaza, or they'd rather scream about taxes and immigrants taking their jobs. 

Like, people are just so indoctrinated to accept this stuff, it's crazy. It literal requires ideological spring cleaning like i went through just to get where I'm at. And sometimes I dont even know how to sell my own vision to people. If you're outside of the cave, how do you go back into the cave and convince them that they're being taken advantage of?

And when they realize it, many would rather jsut become communists, which aint really helping the situation, as marxists and communists are still pro work, they just organize it differently.

I'm not opposed to markets. I just think participants should actually be voluntary, and we're not all forced into this crap. If someone wants to work and another person wants to offer money to get someone to do soemthing, I have no inherent issue with that. The issue comes with people being effectively forced to participate in the cursed system, and the system being rigged against them. 

And yeah, that's my views on this. 

Seriously if people could say no, employers might have to ask "gee why wont anyone apply?" after making people jump through hoops for hours just to get their application processed. They might have to actually appeal to workers to get them to. Make the process easier. Seriously. Markets will be self correcting if they're actually voluntary. The problem is, they're not. We got to this point, because people HAVE to jump through these hoops to survive, so they make the process as difficult and miserable as possible to find the model worker. And if you arent the model worker, or you arent fully brainwashed into this work ethic nonsense, well, you can get screwed.

And yeah, i literally see the protestant work ethic as a kind of slave mentality too. It's literally the mentality of being a nice willing slave to be hyper productive for employers. The mentality is promoted and it exists primarily to create a work force that is just willing to take it. And anyone who doesnt have it, is shamed and castigated. Even though to me, it's just natural not to have it. Society literally beats it into us from a young age. We didnt come this way. School from K-12 molded us this way, by basically being designed like a prison, and then people just willingly obey orders and never question the system.

literally took me having a social science degree, an existential crisis, and and trying to navigate this sick process to find a job myself to truly come to my position. And most people don't have all of those things at the same time to shake them out of their worldview. 

So yeah. That's how I see this. We live in a truly sick society and it baffles me how people are just willing to put up with this crap.

Anyway, that video above should be required watching for everyone.

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