Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kamala Harris's "opportunity economy" is cringey

 So, earlier I laid out how my views came out of a rejection of trickle down politics, and how our economy is just, rich people paying poor people to work so they may live. That's all our economy is, if you wanna be extremely reductive about it. Rich people want to make more money, so they have people do work, and then poor people who are effectively coerced to work basically get money they need to live. And that's capitalism.

And it doesn't matter if you are a full on trickle down believer or a centrist lib, both believe in variations of the same overall thing. The difference is libs tend to believe that workers should at least be treated better. But they don't oppose the process of work that is capitalism, they lean into it. Biden believed work has dignity, and now Harris is pushing this "opportunity economy" BS.

Ya know. If dems just kept their mouth shut and didnt virtue signal about this nonsense, I wouldn't be as turned off from them. Because imagine taking pride in your enslavement. That's what "working class heroes" like "Scranton Joe" and Kamala Harris are doing. I mean, can we NOT lean into the whole "work gud" thing? Even if one accepts work is necessary, shouldn't it be viewed as a necessary EVIL? I just can't get into the mindset of someone who thinks work is GOOD. And who actually celebrates this crap. 

Like, even before I was as virulently anti work as I am now, work was, to me, just a necessary evil. yes yes, work sucks, but we all have to do it or we all starve to death, blah blah blah. Someone has to make the sausage, someone has to make society run. And of course, i did view people on welfare as a "drain on society" and that if we had too many people on it, society wouldnt work. 

It wasn't until I kinda realized just how rich we are, and how we could've shifted away from work DECADES AGO and been well on our way to abolishing the evils of mandatory labor that I developed the views I did. The fact that NONE OF THIS IS EVEN FRICKING NECESSARY FOR HUMAN SURVIVAL is what really grinds my gears with this. We are literally sisyphus working our lives away just so number on chart goes up. What the actual hell is wrong with us?


This is why I can't trust Kamala Harris. Hell, I've even soured on AOC going on about how she'd happily go back to bar tending because "there's nothing wrong with working for a living." Yeah, yeah there fricking is. And the people who looked down on you know it. Because they are the real owners of society, and even if they are evil in a sense, at least they know their place in the pecking order.

You have to be a FOOL to CELEBRATE working for a living. I'm sorry, you do. People don't like to hear that, but I kinda do have the trumpesque "losers and suckers" mindset with it. Maybe not as bad, and before I get dogpiled or get this crap taken out of context in the future, let me explain it more.

If work is necessary, work is necessary. But never forget, our society is rich people making poor people do labor in exchange for the resources necessary for their survival. If you take pride in your servitude, you ARE a loser, and you ARE a sucker. A truly class conscious person should recognize that they ARE a slave. And they should recognize that this is a bad thing, and they should seek to liberate themselves from slavery. And that's what I mean. I dont mean anyone who works for a living is a loser and a sucker, our system makes sure most of us have no choice, but someone who works for a living and believes the "dignity of work" BS hook line and sinker is. And that's where I stand on that. Don't take pride in your servitude. Work doesn't have dignity. Humans have dignity. Work strips people of their dignity, reducing them to an input for some sort of output. You have to be a fool to celebrate that process. Sorry, not sorry.

Again, at least the rich people see society for what it is, even if they are the privileged class who benefits from it. I wish everyone would be so blunt and honest about what work is. Maybe if they were, we would recognize the problem, and we would seek to get rid of it. 

And that's what incenses me the most about people like Kamala Harris. They dont even recognize there's a problem. And if your worldview is so far off that not only is the problem not a problem, but it's a positive thing, then how can i ever expect you to fix it?

Make no mistake, when I vote for Harris this november, it's primarily to stop trump. Her actual brand of politics makes my stomach turn and my soul wants to leave my body at the thought of casting a vote for this person at this point. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and it is what it is. And to be fair, it's not like anyone truly represents my view point anyway on this subject well enough to get a vote anyway. Stein kinda does, but then she's horrible on literally everything else. So meh. Harris it is.

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