Friday, August 16, 2024

Yep, honeymoon period has worn off for me, and now I hate the dems again...

 So, I just can't stop thinking about this healthcare regression. And then I watched a video about bernie going on some podcaster's show and him talking about lobbyists basically being this de facto shadow government behind everything. And it makes me mad. Because that's exactly what's happening here. THe dems are chickening out even on compromised healthcare reform, because they want to appease donors and lobbyists. Biden refused to even touch the issue, and Harris probably won't either (we'll see, she's supposed to release a platform soon, maybe even tomorrow). And it makes me mad. I really DESPISE the democrats for being so complacent. And you know, trying to talk to other Harris supporters about this stuff, I really don't feel like one of them. These people have such low standards. They think Biden was like the greatest president ever and how dare I feel otherwise.

I admit, even by my own standards, Biden is okay. He's done some things i agree with, but his own agenda was watered down, and he didn't even accomplish much of that. pointing that out to the Biden/Harris crowd makes them act like you just killed their puppy. Like, HOW DARE YOU EXPECT THINGS. THen they start using the word "pragmatist" while basically using some variation of blah blah blah check your privilege. Really, I hate these people. They're so ignorant and have such a limited understanding of politics. 

We should expect things from politicians. We should expect fixes for issues. it's fine to be passionate about issues or demand things from them. Under normal circumstances, I even believe in holding politicians accountable, and conditioning your vote to whether they deliver or not. I did this in 2016 and 2020, and if people think Im going soft in 2024, no, I'm just as angry as I ever was, and dealing with these people MAKE me angry, I just understand that trump HAS to come first. This dude wants to implode democracy itself. The GOP has this batcrap insane project 2025, and the left has limited leverage this specific election cycle.

But, hearing bernie talking does put that fire in my heart, where I just can't help but look at the dems on healthcare and be ANGRY at them. If you cant even be for a public option, you're selling out. At least put it in your fricking platform. if you cant pass it, fine, you can't. I understand, we need the house, we need the senate, AND we need a president to do it, but what I hate more than anything is this "but but we cant do anything" learned helplessness bull####. 

Look, I will vote for Harris, for the same reasons I voted for Biden. Trump is a threat, we're not in a position to push for much better, and Biden has been okay, and Harris will continue to do okay. BUT, don't lose sight of the goals. At some point, if we want better, we WILL have to push democrats, and it WILL likely involve conditioning our vote in a future election. For now, we lie in wait. 2024 isn't our time, guys. it's been clear it never was. But as long as there are other elections, there is hope. At some point, if we put pressure on the dems, they will have to respond to us somehow. As long as we're reasonable at least and don't do the idiotic "let's punish them after they did exactly what we asked for" crap. 

Which is another reason why I'm not just comfortable going after them now. They have done some things, and have attempted to do others. We should reward them for this effort. but that doesn't mean they arent still a failure on things, and that we shouldnt call them out or something. No, be honest, hold them accountable.

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