Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dear conservatives, your tears make me strong

 So, over the past few days, I've been noticing conservatives are coping hard. Dooming, kinda like they were back between 2012 and 2016. Mitch McConnell is freaking out, worrying that if democrats win in 2024, they'll cripple the GOP by overturning the filibuster and adding Puerto Rico and DC as states. I say, GOOD. F the GOP. Mitch McConnell's reign in the senate is exactly why I hope that happens. All he's done is obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. And when the GOP tries to pass legislation, they literally try to do things I see as straight up EVIL. Like, morally, it just goes fundamentally against my ideology of reducing suffering and harm. THAT kind of evil.

I see conservative voters dooming too about how they believe in the American dream and Trump is the epitome of the American dream and most people are lazy and want free stuff, and as a "lazy" person who literally wants free stuff, I smell your fears, and I guzzle your tears. Mmm, yummy. 

The fact is, I hope this election is a realigning election that tears your entire cursed party asunder. Since I've left American conservatism, I have been seeking the ideology's destruction. It offers nothing of value to humanity. It's regressive, and in many cases, straight up EVIL. And as it starts to realize its time is near, it turns authoritarian and goes mask off with its insane goals, trying to outright take over the government and force all kinds of crazy crap on everyone else. I fundamentally oppose the modern GOP and what it stands for and I hope 2024 is the year that breaks its coalition once and for all. It has held us back for long enough. I WANT a society where social progressivism is the norm and that social conservatism is just plain WEIRD. I may not be as in your face as the woke people, but I cheer on the right falling from prominance in American politics. On economics, I want a society with more social programs, higher wages, and less work. Heck, the democrats dont go far enough. My ideology is the foil of conservatives and their crazy ideology, and I do cheer on the destruction of right wing ideas. I want those to fall from grace too.

People might question my loyalties sometimes. Like for example, voting against Clinton an Biden in 2016 and 2020. but you know what? Dont question my loyalties to my IDEAS. The reason I turned against those guys is what good is the defeat of the GOP if the democrats pick up a healthy coalition of conservatives who oppose progressive ideas? I dont want conservatism to live on through the democrats. No. I want all of the crappy people to remain on their own side and then get crushed under a tidal wave of progressivism. I want another 1932 moment for the left, where we just electorally become victorious for a generation, where the right is too scared to push anything, for fear of getting electorally crushed. I want the left to be progressive, I want the right to be moderate. That's my ideal overton window. Left says "lets do things", right keeps them in check to make sure they dont go too far or get too crazy. Since 1980, its been the other way around. Right dominates the narrative and left has to contort itself into pretzels trying to moderate. 

I admit I am moderate on certain issues. Immigration, guns, anything to do with identity politics, and of course, foreign policy. But you know what? I dont feel like most democrats at large really are out of sync with that. It's leftists who sometimes push too far. And sometimes liberals have to be moderate as a counterweight. I'm not crazy. I'm not psycho left or anything. But I do want to see the right coalition that's existed since 1980 to finally reach its end and collapse. It's been 44 years. it's been struggling for the past 16. Trump actually breathed new life into it and the left fumbled things so badly that it almost came back for another generation. But if we can defeat Trumpism here and now, maybe the party will implode in the coming years. I would like that very much.

But yeah, watching the right fall apart and freak out over Kamala Harris, and act like she and walz are socialists is hilarious. And I hope to watch the GOP and their entire stupid coalition collapse already so that we can actually move on and make things better for the next generation. Seriously, im tired of being held back by these guys. THeir loss is my gain, and I'm here to see it. Cry cry and cry some more, because I'll be cheering on the destruction of the GOP all the way. COLLAPSE. COLLAPSE ALREADY! BECOME ELECTORALLY UNVIABLE! BE FORCED TO RETURN TO THE CENTER! The energy is shifting, I can feel it, and I'm all for it. Harris/Walz 2024, let's fricking do this!

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