Sunday, August 11, 2024

I don't care about your military experience

 So, with JD Vance throwing mud at Tim Walz over so called "stolen valor" (he retired from his unit just before it was deployed to Iraq), I'm just gonna say it. I dont CARE about your military experience. I know conservatives get all hoo rah patriotism over that, but I don't care. I dont consider myself a particularly patriotic person after leaving "the cave", and while I am kind of becoming slightly more so as I age and tend to realize how tied my views are to western liberal democratic values, I'm not super gung ho on that. I don't care.

I mean, if your running for office, I care alot more about what you wanna do and what your policies are. Being a veteran doesnt make me inherently more likely to support you. Heck, in some cases it could work against you since veterans may be predisposed to more conservative and authoritarian worldviews on average. However, in practice, I find veterans are unique and exist all over the spectrum. I know liberal and even LEFTIST veterans. So it's like whatever to me.

The only respect in which I particularly care about this issue as it relates to 2024 is Donald Trump draft dodging vietnam over having "bone spurs" and then talking crap about everyone else's military experience. I mean, Trump, the one who said to McCain that he liked war heroes who werent captured, and that people who died are "losers and suckers." I mean, I will say despite not being overly patriotic, I do have one rule with this stuff. Treat vets with some level of respect. I won't go bugnuts over it. I mean, my dad goes crazy over this stuff as a vietnam vet. But I personally don't care. I think it's disrespectful to bash veterans for being veterans. I mean, leftists love to do this stuff since to them being a vet is akin to being a war criminal. And I'm like, ya know what, they did what they thought was right, leave them alone. And with Trump it's like, you didn't even serve, if anything, you draft dodged, so STFU.

Speaking of which do I particularly care if Trump draft dodged? No. I really don't. I find it a justifiable reaction to the vietnam war. If you could legally get out of it like he did, I mean, go for it. But dont start talking crap about those who DID go after that. THAT'S what I find disrespectful. Do what you want. I certainly dont support the draft. But I kind of think if you draft dodge then see those who went who died as "losers and suckers" that you're kind of a crappy person. But that is Trump.

As such, I'm going to encourage republicans not talk crap about Tim Walz as long as you're supporting Corporal "Bone Spurs" over here. Because you literally don't have an argument. And a lot of real vets HATE Trump over those remarks. Far more than they'd hate Tim Walz for retiring after 24 years before his unit went to Iraq. He had a way out, he took it, i dont even know if he did it because he knew orders were coming or because he just lucked out. I think he actually lucked out. IIRC he retired and then 2 months later the orders came down? Yeah. Either someone tipped him off or it was pure luck. Either way, dont care. At least he aint the bone spurs guy. And even then, if the bone spurs guy wasnt trump, say it was bernie sanders or tim walz or Kamala Harris, I still wouldnt care.

People need to stop placing so much focus on this stuff that has nothing to do with the job. It's in the same category as the people who wanted Mark Kelly because he was an astronaut. I mean, who cares? Who really care? How does this affect me and make my life better? It doesnt. Again. I care more about things like ideology and policy than stupid crap like this. 

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